
Data protection, meaning and history - origin of data protection

Data protection has been around for many years. Since we collect, store and share data, we have had to deal with the issue. Technology is making more and more possible, connecting us with the whole world and doing so instantly. Personal data moves from one place to the next. New possibilities for data collection, but also security gaps, result from all these new developments.

Origin of data protection

Around 1960, there was a worldwide debate on the security of data. This was the beginning of a plan to improve the protection of our personal data. This happened at a time when John F. Kennedy was running the United States. The goal was to create a unified, national data center to improve information security and all areas around it. Personal data of all US citizens was to be completely collected.

The first data protection law in Germany

The German state of Hesse passed the world's first data protection law in 1970. The Federal Data Protection Act and the introduction of the Data Protection Commissioner followed in 1977 and the state data protection laws in 1981.

Data protection today

Data protection today is constantly being expanded by new laws and rulings. A data protection officer has a lot to do. He or she must deal with the laws on a regular basis, apply them in practice and provide customers with professional and factual advice. He is liable himself in the event of negligence and is responsible for ensuring that current regulations and rulings are implemented by employees and superiors.

The profession of data protection officer, is highly interesting and very diverse.

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