Is one required to sign a consent form?

Is one required to sign a consent form?

Are you required to sign a consent form? They are not becoming less, but rather more. Our consents for the use of our personal data. We get these pieces of paper everywhere and everyone wants to be on the safe side. Because who...
Where is my mail

Where is my mail

Where is my mail? Finally! You have all the necessary documents for the appointment in two weeks. Your business partner has asked you to send him the most important documents in advance, in preparation for the appointment. Put a stamp on it and send it to the post office. One week later...
External DPO, a decision you will not regret!

External DPO, a decision you will not regret!

External DPO, a decision you will not regret! For a short time, everyone who works in a company or is self-employed has been dealing with the big issue of data protection. The question: external or internal DPO? The appointment of a data protection officer...
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