What for and why a procedure directory?

What for and why a procedure directory?

What for and why a procedural directory It sounds complicated and what sounds complicated is first pushed aside. But this should rather not happen in this case. The procedure directory is an overview of the individual processing activities, i.e....
Mail processing and mail book, but properly!

Mail processing and mail book, but properly!

Mail processing and mail book, the difference A mail book is used for a better overview of incoming and outgoing mail. The most important data is quickly recorded and can be checked at a later time. If there are discrepancies in the dispatch, the...
This data must go. Delete, but do it right!

This data must go. Delete, but do it right!

This data must go. Delete it, but do it right! Over time, an infinite amount of data accumulates in our systems. Long-standing customers and well-maintained business relationships in particular provide our database with sufficient sensitive information. Exactly these are...
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