Red alert: Data privacy breach!

Red alert: Data privacy breach!

Dreaded by every company, but always topical: the data protection mishap. The great fear of a data protection breach often results from a lack of knowledge about how to deal with such a situation. Find out here what to do and how to...
Privacy glitch in spam folder

Privacy glitch in spam folder

At first glance, the spam folder in the email client does not indicate a data protection breach. However, if e-mails that are supposed to be deleted are inadvertently marked as spam only, it can lead to a manual check by the e-mail provider and in the...
Data protection and security, what measures to take

Data protection and security, what measures to take

Data protection and security At best, the start of the new week is stress-free and without further incidents. In the best case... But there are also days that do not start optimally. You drive onto the company premises in the morning, park your vehicle and go out like...
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