In local public transport, ticket inspection is an important part of the system. It serves to Right and Duties passengers and the Transportation companies to preserve. The Privacy an important role. The checks ensure that every passenger has a valid ticket and thus contributes to the financing of local transport.

Passengers are obliged to purchase their tickets before starting their journey and to validate them if necessary. They must keep the ticket for the entire journey and present it in the event of an inspection. Anyone found without a valid ticket must expect to pay a higher fare. This applies not only to passengers, but also to dogs or bicycles without a valid ticket.

Important findings

  • Tickets must be purchased and validated before the start of the journey
  • Valid tickets must be carried during the entire journey
  • Checks without a ticket may result in an increased fare
  • Privacy plays an important role in ticket inspections
  • Right and Duties apply to passengers and Transportation companies equally

Basics of ticket inspection in local public transport

Ticket inspection is an important part of local public transport. It serves to ensure that passengers have valid tickets and that the Conditions of carriage comply with.

Definition and purpose of ticket inspection

The aim of ticket controls is to prevent fare evasion and to increase the revenue of the Transportation companies to secure the quality of public transport. They contribute to fairness towards paying passengers and help to maintain the quality of local transport.

Legal basis for controls

The legal basis for Checks on persons in public transport are the Conditions of carriage of the transport companies. These regulate the Duties of passengers and the powers of the control personnel.

Frequency and types of checks

Ticket inspections can take place at different times:

  • Before boarding
  • During the journey
  • When leaving the means of transport

The frequency varies depending on the transport company and can be regular or random. Some cities also rely on automatic checks using platform barriers.

Control type Description Advantages
Manual control Implementation by control personnel Flexible, personal contact
Automatic locks Access only with a valid ticket Efficient, low personnel costs
Electronic testing Scanning digital tickets Fast, reduces fraud

The process of a typical ticket inspection

A ticket inspection on local public transport usually follows a fixed procedure. The Control procedure may vary depending on the means of transport and the city. Random checks are common on buses, streetcars, suburban trains and subway trains.

The Ticket purchase plays an important role during checks. Some transport companies offer the option of buying a ticket during the journey. This subsequent purchase is often subject to a surcharge. In other cases, there is no purchase option during the inspection.

The Cancellation of the ticket is a crucial point. To "just-in-time" To prevent voids, inspectors sometimes work in everyday clothing. They only identify themselves as inspectors at the last moment.

"Please have your tickets ready for inspection!"

The typical sequence of an inspection is as follows:

  1. Inspectors enter the vehicle
  2. Request to present tickets
  3. Checking the validity
  4. If required: collection of personal data
  5. Issue of an increased transportation charge for infringements
Control type Purchase option Frequency
Open control Yes, with surcharge Regularly
Covert control No Random sampling
Entry control Yes, without surcharge Rare

Passengers' rights and obligations during checks

For ticket inspections on local public transport Passenger rights and obligations are of great importance. Every passenger should be familiar with these in order to ensure smooth controls.

Obligation to present a valid ticket

The most important Duty to cooperate is the presentation of a valid ticket. Passengers must present this immediately and without being asked. A digital ticket on a smartphone is just as valid as a paper ticket.

Right to inspect the inspector's identity card

To safeguard the Passenger rights passengers are allowed to view the ticket inspector's ID card. This ensures that the check is carried out by authorized personnel.

Behavior in the event of a missing or invalid ticket

If no valid ticket can be presented, the Personal details required. The ticket inspector may request identification documents to verify identity. An increased fare will be charged.

Situation Obligation of the passenger Possible consequence
Valid ticket Show Onward journey
Invalid ticket Personal details Increased transportation charge
No ticket Personal details Increased transportation charge

Knowledge of these Right and duties helps to avoid conflicts and contributes to the smooth running of ticket inspections.

Powers and limits of inspectors

The Control powers in local public transport are clearly defined. Ticket inspectors are allowed to check tickets and confiscate them if they are invalid. The Ticket feeder is an important measure to secure revenue.

To the Passenger identification inspectors can take personal details. This happens if a ticket is missing or invalid. In such cases, the increased fare will be charged.

Cashless payment is common to prevent fraud by false inspectors. Genuine inspectors must be able to identify themselves. They carry badges which must be shown on request.

  • Ticket inspection and Ticket feeder
  • Recording of personal data
  • Levying of the increased transportation charge
  • Cashless payment options

Despite their powers, inspectors are subject to strict limits. They are prohibited from using force. They are not allowed to detain or physically harass passengers. In the event of problems, they must call in the police.

"Ticket inspectors are not police officers. Their job is to check tickets, not to enforce law and order."

The balance between effective control and respectful treatment of passengers is crucial. Inspectors must be professional and friendly in order to avoid conflicts and increase acceptance of the checks.

The increased transport charge (EBE): amount and payment methods

Anyone caught without a valid ticket must expect to pay a higher fare. This penalty is intended to make fare dodging unattractive and secure revenue for transport companies.

Current level of EBE in Germany

The EBE is currently 60 euros nationwide. This amount applies uniformly to all transport associations in Germany. For Repeat offenders it can become more expensive.

Payment terms and options

After receipt of the Request for payment passengers have 14 days to pay the EBE. Payment can be made by bank transfer or in cash at the customer centers. Some transport companies also offer online payments.

Consequences of non-payment of the EBE

If the EBE is not paid on time, there is a risk of Dunning procedure. This leads to additional costs and can result in a Fine proceedings can result. In the worst case, there is a risk of legal consequences.

Payment period Consequence
Within 14 days No further costs
After 14 days Reminder fees
After several reminders Fine proceedings

There is one exception: if you can prove that you have a valid season ticket within a week, you only pay one reduced EBE of 7 euros. This applies to forgotten season tickets or semester tickets.

Ticket inspection: focus on rights, obligations and data protection

During ticket inspections on local public transport Privacy and personal rights play an important role. Transport companies must comply with strict Privacy policy to protect the privacy of passengers.

Data protection guidelines for identity checks

While Checks on persons ticket inspectors may only collect the data necessary for checking tickets. The collection, storage and processing of this information is subject to strict data protection regulations.

Handling of personal data during ticket inspections

Personal data collected during ticket inspections may only be used for the purpose of the inspection and, if applicable, to charge the increased transportation fee. Disclosure to third parties is only permitted in exceptional cases regulated by law.

Legal basis for data protection in public transport

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and local data protection laws form the legal basis for the handling of personal data in local public transport. These regulations ensure that passenger data is adequately protected.

Special attention is paid to the Station video surveillance. Although it serves security purposes, it must also comply with strict data protection regulations. Recordings may only be stored for a limited period of time and used exclusively for defined purposes.

"The protection of personal data is at the heart of modern transportation systems. Transparency and trust are crucial for the acceptance of controls."

Passengers have the right to obtain information about their stored data and can request its deletion under certain circumstances. These measures strengthen trust in local public transport and ensure that personal information is handled fairly.

Electronic tickets and special control procedures

Digitalization has also reached local public transport. Electronic tickets such as cell phone tickets and online tickets are now widespread. They offer passengers more flexibility, but also require special Control procedure.

Cell phone tickets must be purchased before starting the journey. Passengers simply show their smartphone display at ticket inspections. Online tickets, on the other hand, are only valid in printed form. It is important that the QR code is easy to read.

Check-in/check-out systems are an innovative solution. Here, passengers check in before starting their journey and check out again when they leave. The system automatically calculates the cheapest fare.

Electronic tickets make traveling easier, but be careful: if you have technical problems, you are considered a fare dodger!

In fact, technical breakdowns can become a problem. A flat battery or a defective cell phone are no excuse. In such cases, the journey is deemed invalid.

Ticket type Control procedure Special features
Mobile ticket Showing the display Buy before starting your journey
Online ticket Show printed copy QR code must be legible
Check-in/Check-out Automatic recording Registration and deregistration required

Despite all the advantages, passengers should always be prepared for possible technical problems with electronic tickets. A backup plan, such as some cash for an emergency ticket, can save trouble.

Options for reducing the increased transportation charge

For passengers who are caught without a valid ticket, there are ways to reduce the increased transport charge (EBE). Transport companies often offer Goodwill arrangements that can alleviate the financial burden.

Proof of a valid season ticket

A common way to reduce the EBE is to provide proof of a valid season ticket. Many transport companies grant a reduced EBEif passengers present their season ticket within a certain period of time. This rule usually applies to personal tickets such as monthly or annual season tickets.

Typically, the EBE is reduced to 7 euros if proof of a valid season ticket is provided within one week. It is important to note that this rule does not apply to transferable season tickets.

Special cases and goodwill arrangements

Transport companies often have individual Goodwill arrangements for special situations. These may include the following cases:

  • Forgotten school or student ID cards
  • Technical problems with electronic tickets
  • Fare evasion for the first time

If the deadline is missed, the full EBE is usually due. It is advisable to act quickly and observe the respective deadlines and conditions of the transport company in order to benefit from possible discounts.

Legal consequences for repeated fare evasion

Repeated fare dodging can have serious legal consequences. Transport companies take Repeat offenders and often initiate criminal prosecution measures.

If you are caught several times without a valid ticket, you may be fined. Fine proceedings. The amount of the penalty depends on the frequency and severity of the offense. In particularly serious cases, custodial sentences may even be imposed.

According to a study by the Association of German Transport Companies Repeat offenders about 5% of all fare dodgers, but cause about 40% of the financial damage.

In order to identify repeat offenders, many transport companies keep databases. These enable effective Prosecution and help to recognize patterns. Data protection plays an important role here.

Number of violations Possible consequences
1-2 times Increased transportation charge
3-5 times Fine proceedings, fine
More than 5 times Criminal charges, possible prison sentence

Transport companies strongly advise against repeatedly driving while black. The consequences can far outweigh the short-term financial gain. It is advisable to always have a valid ticket to avoid legal problems.


Ticket inspection is an important component of local public transport. It promotes the Fairness in public transport and contributes to the financing of the system. Passengers should take their responsibility seriously and always carry a valid ticket with them.

Prevention plays a central role. Regular ticket purchases and correct use help to avoid unpleasant situations. At the same time, transport companies must ensure transparent Control procedure provide. This increases acceptance among passengers and strengthens confidence in public transport.

The Passenger responsibility goes hand in hand with the rights of users. Data protection and fair treatment remain important issues. A good balance between controls and passenger rights is crucial for smooth operations. In this way, local public transport can further expand its role as an environmentally friendly and efficient mobility option.


What is the ticket inspection for?

The purpose of ticket inspection is to ensure that all passengers on local public transport have a valid ticket. It is intended to prevent fare evasion.

What is the legal basis for ticket inspections?

The legal basis is based on the conditions of carriage of the respective transport companies and the applicable laws and regulations.

How often and in what form do checks take place?

Checks can be carried out regularly or at random. They can be carried out on the platform, on the bus, on the train or when getting off.

How should I behave as a passenger during an inspection?

You must present your valid ticket without being asked. If you do not have a ticket, you are obliged to cooperate by providing your personal details and showing identification on request.

What powers do the inspectors have?

Inspectors may check the validity of tickets, confiscate invalid tickets, take personal details and charge an increased transportation fee (EBE).

How much is the increased transportation charge and how can I pay it?

The EBE is usually 60 euros and must be paid within 14 days by bank transfer or in cash at the customer centers. Failure to pay may result in dunning procedures.

How is my data protected during an inspection?

Transport companies must adhere to strict data protection guidelines. Personal data may only be used for the purpose of ticket verification. This is based on the GDPR and local data protection laws.

How do checks work with electronic tickets?

For cell phone tickets, the display must be shown; online tickets must be printed out. For check-in/check-out systems, registration is required before the start of the journey.

Can the EBE be reduced?

Yes, if a valid season ticket is presented within one week, the EBE can be reduced to 7 euros. Goodwill regulations vary depending on the transport company.

What consequences can repeated fare evasion have?

Transport companies can file criminal charges for repeated fare evasion. Possible consequences are fines or, in serious cases, prison sentences.
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