Hospital information
Of course, a visit to the hospital is not always pleasant. Especially when you are in a situation that requires all our energy and attention. Exactly in this one has everything else in the head, than numerous notes to read through and sign.
Perhaps you are familiar with this situation: you receive a folder with a request for a timely signature. You quickly skim the text, check Yes, then No, and after a few more passages you reach the signature field. After you have finally filled out everything, you hand the folder back. Tick it off. Quickly away with it. But afterwards, do you still know what you signed?
Read carefully!
Since one does not feel well anyway, nevertheless one is glad if one has its peace.
Everything will have its correctness.
Careful reading of the consent forms, the hospital contract and other documents is essential. You decide whether important data will be passed on. Whether it is to the health insurance company, the doctors providing further treatment, pharmacies or rehabilitation facilities. All are willing to receive as much data as possible. But do they have to?
They determine who, how, what and for what. Of course, these offices need important information about the diagnosis in order to be able to coordinate the further course of treatment. But only the most necessary. If, for example, you are not satisfied with your family doctor at the moment and are thinking about changing to another doctor anyway, it is rather unfavorable that this doctor is informed about the diagnosis and further treatment. Thus, look carefully who you enter in the fields provided for this purpose.
And relatives?
Again, who receives information may be notified and who may not. You decide. However, this is not an innovation; it already applied before. All doctors and clinic staff are bound by confidentiality. They may only pass on information to other persons if the patient has expressly released them from the duty of confidentiality.
If a patient is no longer able to make a decision about this, has not left a declaration of confidentiality or an advance directive, it could be difficult for relatives anyway. Inconclusiveness in the further course of treatment can be the consequence.