Within the dynamic world of rental, the Landlord face a constant challenge: data protection. With the implementation of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the amendments to the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), there is an obligation to guarantee a high level of data protection and to Secure rental agreements to guarantee data protection. This necessity underlines the importance of effective data protection concepts and precise practices that comply with the principles of data minimization and purpose limitation.

To protect tenants, you need to take account of constantly evolving data protection obligations. This means having a deep understanding of Data protection in the rental business is not just an option, but a crucial requirement of today's rental landscape.

Key findings

  • The GDPR sets new standards for the Data protection in the rental business.
  • on Secure rental agreements
  • Principles of data minimization and purpose limitation are central to the Processing of tenant data.
  • The preparation and maintenance of a data processing directory is essential.
  • Knowledge about the storage and deletion of personal data is essential for the Landlord indispensable.
  • Awareness of the permissible collection, processing and disclosure of tenant data protects Landlord and tenants alike.
  • The importance of transparent Duty to inform and legally compliant rental agreements.

The importance of data protection in rental

In the rental sector, maintaining and securing tenant data is a top priority. As professional landlords, you attach great importance to protecting the personal data of your tenants in accordance with the Rental data protection to protect their privacy and at the same time comply with the legal framework.

Effects of the GDPR on landlords

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has significantly changed the way personal data is handled. For landlords, this means a thorough review and adaptation of their processes to ensure the protection of tenant data. A high degree of Transparency and data protection, especially as violations of the GDPR can result in considerable fines.

Principles of data economy and data minimization

Using the principles of data economy and data minimization, you ensure that only the tenant data that is essential for the conclusion and processing of the tenancy is collected and stored. You consistently avoid unnecessary data collection in order to offer your tenants the highest level of data protection and data security.

Obligations of landlords with regard to tenant data protection

Compliance with data protection regulations is a central aspect of the Letting practice. This includes keeping a register of all processing activities as well as respecting the rights of the data subjects. Accuracy and care in the handling of tenant data are their constant aspiration, which enables them to create and maintain a trusting relationship with their tenants.

Data protection rental: compliance and implementation in practice

Data protection is playing an increasingly important role in the rental sector. It is essential that landlords deal intensively with data protection aspects in order to meet the requirements of the GDPR. A central component of these efforts is the creation of a Data processing directorywhich enables the recording and Processing of tenant data transparent and comprehensible.

In order to comply with these data protection regulations, it is necessary to only collect data that is required for the initiation and processing of the tenancy. A GDPR template can serve as a guideline to ensure that all legal requirements are met. Careful data collection is of the utmost importance, especially during the first contact.

Phases of data collection Permitted data Requirements
First contact Name, telephone number, e-mail address No further information required
Application Financial situation, creditworthiness information Legitimate interest and consent of the applicant
Conclusion of contract Personal data according to identity card Legal necessity for rental agreement

To ensure compliance with legal data protection regulations, it is also advisable to train staff regularly. Such training helps to ensure that all employees are sensitized to the handling of tenant data and that the data protection guidelines are consistently adhered to.

As a landlord, you have a great responsibility to protect the personal data entrusted to you. It is your duty to handle it carefully, not only from a legal perspective, but also out of respect for your tenants.

Legally compliant storage of tenant data

As part of the commitment to safe rental practices guarantee the legally compliant Storage of tenant data. This includes the use of modern technical solutions that facilitate consent management on our websites and at the same time ensure the necessary data security.

Storage of tenant data

Consent management for websites

Through the use of Cookie management tools you can ensure that the data protection settings of your website visitors are documented and their consents are managed efficiently. These consents are stored for a period of one year in accordance with data protection regulations, so that both Transparency and traceability are guaranteed.

Data retention period criteria and deletion requirements

The Storage of tenant data is always carried out in strict compliance with the statutory retention periods. The data must be deleted after this period has expired, unless it is still required for a current purpose. The following criteria are decisive in determining the retention period:

  • The duration of tenancies
  • Statutory retention obligations, such as those arising from the German Commercial Code (HGB) or the German Fiscal Code (AO)
  • Contractual agreements that may require longer data retention periods
  • Possible claims and legal disputes that make longer storage of the data appear reasonable

Our aim is to offer all parties involved a high level of security and trust in the handling of personal data and to ensure compliance with data protection regulations. This means that you and your tenants can look forward to a data protection-compliant future.

Processing tenant data: What is allowed?

The Processing of tenant data is a critical area of the rental industry. It is essential that landlords are fully aware of and comply with data protection laws. Below we discuss what data may be collected when looking for tenants and how the law regulates the handling of data to third parties to ensure a Data protection-compliant tenant search to ensure that

Permissible data collection during the tenant search

The Processing of tenant data should only include information that is necessary for the conclusion of the rental agreement. Data that goes beyond contact details and financial creditworthiness requires special justification. The data protection regulations are strict here and require Transparency and good documentation of the data collection processes.

Disclosure of data to third parties such as tradesmen and tax consultants

The disclosure of tenant data to third parties, such as tradesmen for repairs or tax consultants for financial statements, requires a legal basis or the explicit consent of the tenants. Without this, data may not be passed on, as the landlord would otherwise be in breach of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is violated.

Dealing with sensitive data - drawing the line

Sensitive data - such as health information or political opinions - may not be collected as part of the rental process. The limit of what is permitted is quickly exceeded here. If such data is necessary in exceptional cases, the tenant's explicit consent must be obtained.

To give you an overview of which data is permitted and which conditions apply, here is an informative table:

Data category Permitted without consent Permitted with consent
Contact details Yes Yes
Financial creditworthiness Yes Yes
Private life No Only with explicit consent
Political views No Only with explicit consent
Health data No Only with explicit consent

This table clearly shows that careful handling of tenant data is essential. As a landlord, you must be aware of this responsibility and ensure that all processes within the scope of the Processing of tenant data comply with the legal requirements.

Designing secure rental agreements - Data protection aspects

As a professional landlord, you understand the importance of complying with data protection regulations. Integrating GDPR-compliant clauses into your rental agreements is a cornerstone of protecting tenants' rights and strengthening trust in letting practices.

GDPR-compliant clauses in rental agreements

The consideration of GDPR-compliant clauses is essential for the drafting of secure rental agreements. You attach great importance to ensuring that tenants' rights are clearly defined and that their data is processed in accordance with the latest data protection regulations. The inclusion of such clauses serves to minimize the risk of data protection violations while maximizing legal clarity.

Making information obligations towards tenants transparent

Transparency is a decisive factor when it comes to this, Duty to inform towards tenants. With the aim of fully informing your tenants, we provide a GDPR-compliant sample information letter. This not only helps to inform your tenants about their rights, but also supports mutual trust and compliance with data protection regulations.

Your commitment to Secure rental agreementscompliance with Duty to inform and the integration of GDPR-compliant clauses reflects their endeavor to support you as the responsible party in the rental business in a trustworthy and legally compliant manner at all times.

Data transparency and communication with tenants

Transparency in the processing of tenant data is not only a legal requirement, but also a cornerstone of the relationship of trust between landlord and tenant. You attach great importance to this in your daily practice, Data protection information in a comprehensive and comprehensible manner and Tenant consent in a way that complies with the GDPR guidelines. Your employees are regularly trained to meet these standards and ensure consistent implementation.

Creation and provision of data protection information

You create detailed Data protection informationwhich clearly explain the data processing operations they carry out. This information is proactively provided to your tenants so that they understand exactly how their personal data is handled.

Handling of tenant consents

Obtaining and managing the consent of your tenants is a critical aspect of data protection efforts. All consents are carefully documented and can be viewed by tenants at any time to ensure the highest level of transparency.

Training your own employees on data protection issues

Employee training is an ongoing process in companies. Only through regular training and workshops can you ensure that the entire team is informed about the latest data protection regulations and implements them in practice.

Goal Measure Responsibility
Transparency towards tenants Preparation and delivery of comprehensive Data protection information Management
Consent management Documentation and provision of proof of consent Data Protection Officer
Employee training Implementation of regular data protection training Human Resources


In our role as data protection officer, we have a fundamental responsibility: to safeguard and protect tenants' personal data. Compliance with the provisions of the GDPR is not only a legal requirement, but also an expression of respect for tenants' privacy. By Data protection tips and follow the Letting practice constantly adapt to current data protection standards, you create a basis of trust and security. This is the foundation of a successful rental relationship.

By implementing legally compliant measures and providing regular training on data protection, you demonstrate that the protection of tenant data is a central component of your work. Their aim is to be transparent and clear in all processes, from the collection of data to its storage and deletion. Well-informed tenants and trained employees are their greatest asset.

In summary, a data protection-compliant Letting practice is not only a legal requirement, but also an important building block for a sustainable and responsible rental business. As a landlord, you should always endeavor to keep current Data protection tips and continuously optimize processes to meet the requirements of the GDPR and protect tenants' privacy.


What are the most important changes to data protection in rental since the introduction of the GDPR?

The GDPR obliges landlords to handle tenant data sparingly and for specific purposes. A register of processing activities must be kept and only essential personal data may be collected. Data on sensitive information such as political opinions or religious beliefs may only be collected with the tenant's express consent.

What is meant by the principles of data economy and data minimization?

Data economy and data minimization mean that only as much data as necessary should be collected and only for the purpose for which it is required. For landlords, this means that they must consciously choose which data they need in the context of the rental and which they do not.

What obligations do landlords have with regard to the protection of tenant data?

Landlords must ensure that the processing of tenant data is in accordance with the GDPR, which includes obtaining consent, providing Data protection informationThe data processing regulations include the establishment of a data processing directory and staff training.

How should consent be obtained for the use of tenant data via websites?

With the help of solutions such as Borlabs Cookie allows landlords to ensure that the consents of website visitors are managed and documented correctly. The settings are stored for one year and thus enable transparent and legally compliant use of the data.

What criteria determine the data retention period and how are deletion specifications made?

The retention period for tenant data is based on legal requirements such as retention periods. Once these periods have expired and there is no current purpose for continuing to store the data, it must be deleted.

What data may I collect as part of the tenant search?

When searching for tenants, only the data required for the decision on a tenancy may be collected, such as contact details and information on the creditworthiness of potential tenants.

As a landlord, am I allowed to pass on tenant data to third parties and if so, under what conditions?

The disclosure of tenant data to third parties such as tradesmen or tax consultants is only permitted on a legal basis or with the tenant's consent. The principle of data minimization must always be observed.

How should I handle sensitive tenant data?

Sensitive data is subject to strict protection regulations. As a rule, it may only be processed with the express consent of the person concerned. Landlords must take into account the special need to protect this information and ensure that it is processed lawfully.

How can rental agreements be protected under data protection law?

Rental agreements should GDPR-compliant clauses that protect the tenants' data protection rights. Duty to inform must be complied with and corresponding data protection instructions should be handed out to tenants when the contract is concluded.

What measures promote data transparency and communication with tenants?

Landlords should create data protection information and hand it out to tenants in order to increase transparency. Consent management and regular training of employees in data protection issues are further important steps to promote data transparency and communication.

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