The CSRD reporting marks a new era of transparency for Europe's business landscape. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) ensures that The company in the European Union must comprehensively disclose their sustainability efforts and their impact on society and the environment. With the implementation of the CSRD, the requirements for the Sustainability reporting significant, which in many respects represents an opportunity for organizations to position themselves in a sustainable and responsible manner.

For The company This not only presents companies with new challenges, but also the potential to shape business processes in a future-oriented way and make a clear commitment to responsible business practices. The CSRD initiates a comprehensive and standardized framework for sustainability information that is demanded by investors, customers and society alike.

Important findings

  • The CSRD increases transparency in the reporting of European sustainability practices. The company.
  • Strengthening public and investor perception through responsible entrepreneurship.
  • With the CSRD reporting commit themselves The company to comprehensive and clear sustainability communication.
  • The CSRD offers companies a platform to firmly integrate sustainability into their business strategies.
  • The new reporting obligations under CSRD send a clear signal for the shift towards greater corporate sustainability.

Introduction: What is CSRD reporting and why is it relevant?

The requirements for comprehensive disclosure of corporate sustainability efforts are increasing. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is considered a milestone in this area and defines new standards for companies within the European Union. By setting the CSRD CSRD Reporting Obligations and CSRD requirements it makes an essential contribution to making sustainability practices transparent and thus promotes sustainable economic development.

The basics of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

The CSRD aims to oblige affected companies to report not only financial but also sustainability-related performance in detail. The directive has been in force since January 5, 2023 and affects the reporting standards of around 50,000 companies in the EU. With the innovative approach of the Double Materialitycompanies are encouraged to reflect on and communicate their impact on social and environmental aspects as well as the effects of such factors on their own economic situation.

The importance of sustainability reporting in today's economy

Sustainability reporting is no longer a voluntary extra, but a fundamental component of corporate communication. Investors, customers and other stakeholders are increasingly demanding transparency with regard to companies' sustainability efforts.

Changes to the regulatory landscape as a result of the CSRD

The CSRD leads to a paradigm shift in corporate reporting: instead of isolated sustainability reports, it calls for sustainability aspects to be integrated into the overall reporting process. This not only increases the credibility of corporate disclosures, but also the trust of the public and various market participants.

The development of CSR reporting obligations up to the new CSRD

The progressive integration of sustainability factors into corporate management has led to an increased need for a transparent and comprehensive sustainability management system. CSR policy led. With the publication of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) experiences the CSRD Reporting Framework a significant further development. The directive reflects a global trend towards increased regulation and no longer only covers large corporations, but also explicitly includes medium-sized and small companies that meet certain criteria.

From the expansion of the Reporting obligations This applies to companies that exceed two of the following three thresholds: a balance sheet total of more than 20 million euros, net sales of more than 40 million euros or a number of employees greater than 250. The need to report on sustainability targets and the role of management bodies, as well as a detailed presentation of the main negative environmental impacts of their activities, therefore represents a new challenge.

The Double materiality perspectivea core element of CSRD, requires companies to present the impact of their business activities on the environment and society as well as to analyze and disclose the influence of external sustainability factors on their own company. This enables an assessment from both an external and an internal perspective - a process that means a new approach and reporting depth for many companies.

The implementation of the CSRD in the member states will significantly change the landscape of corporate reporting and sets new standards in the assessment of corporate performance beyond financial aspects. As a result, aspects of corporate social responsibility are gaining in importance in strategic planning and communication, which highlights the need for an adapted CSR policy that both meets the new CSRD requirements and presents the value of the company in a broader social and environmental context.

CSRD reporting (reporting obligations): Who is affected?

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) has brought significant changes to the transparency obligations of European companies. The CSRD covers far-reaching Reporting obligationsthat go beyond the previous regulations and include a large number of companies. It is important to identify the CSRD-relevant companies that need to adapt to the newly introduced regulations. Both the size of the company and the sector are decisive factors in determining which of the Reporting obligations is recorded.

Company sizes and sectors affected by the CSRD

Companies that are listed on an EU-regulated market, with the exception of micro-enterprises, must comply with the extended reporting requirements of the CSRD. This not only affects large corporations, but also extends to medium-sized companies. Industries with a high environmental and social impact are particularly affected and must now disclose their sustainability strategies and results.

Criteria for determining the reporting companies

The CSRD stipulates that companies meeting certain size criteria are included in the reporting obligations. Specifically, these are companies that meet the following criteria:

  • A balance sheet total of more than 20 million euros
  • Net sales of over 40 million euros
  • A workforce of more than 250 employees

These criteria significantly expand the group of companies subject to reporting requirements and represent a challenge, but also an opportunity to positively present their commitment to a more sustainable economy.

Criterion Relevance under CSRD
Balance sheet total over 20 million euros Reportable
Net sales over 40 million euros Reportable
More than 250 employees Reportable

The introduction of the CSRD is a significant step towards greater sustainability and ensures that companies of all sizes are more involved in the topic of sustainability. Sustainability reporting. The directive thus helps to raise awareness of social and environmental responsibility throughout the EU.

Double materiality perspective of the CSRD

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) presents companies not only with the challenge, but also with the opportunity to take a holistic view of their corporate activities. With the approach of the double Materiality perspective - or "Double Materiality" - companies must disclose the impact of their activities on the environment and society, as well as how global sustainability challenges such as climate change can affect the economic stability and future development of the company.

This comprehensive view requires companies to consider both internal and external aspects of sustainability in their reporting and to communicate them transparently. The Double Materiality The company plays a decisive role in this respect, as it forms a bridge between ecological and social commitment and economic success.

The CSRD thus builds on the awareness that sustainable action and reporting on it is not just a "nice extra", but an essential component of sustainable corporate management. The aim is to contribute to the achievement of global goals such as the Sustainable Development Goals.

Materiality aspect Description Exemplary indicators
Environment & Society Impact of the company's activities on the environment and social issues C02 emissions, water consumption, social standards in the supply chain
Economic stability Influences of external sustainability factors on economic performance Risks due to climate change, adaptability to legal changes
Internal & external perspective Integrated analysis of the company's sustainability performance Sustainability report according to CSRD with double materiality

The in-depth analysis and reporting required by the dual materiality approach demands that companies examine their own role in society and nature in a new way. Only through such a holistic view can the interactions between companies and the environment be fully understood and responsibly managed.

By applying the principles of double taxation, the CSRD regulations Materiality perspective By establishing sustainability as an integral part of the corporate culture, they help to ensure that sustainability is firmly anchored in the core strategies of companies.

Elements of compliant CSRD sustainability reporting

The compliant CSRDSustainability reporting confronts companies with the task of Sustainability goals and their management in detail. This includes both the specific objectives and the strategic approaches required to achieve these objectives. Particular attention is paid to the principles of CSRD Reporting Guidelineswhich ensure that all relevant data and information is communicated transparently.

Sustainability goals and management approaches

One of the main pillars of CSRD-compliant reporting is information on a company's sustainability goals. This involves not only defining these goals, but also embedding them within management. Companies should show which measures and management approaches they use to achieve their sustainability goals. Sustainability goals and what steps have already been taken to implement and pursue these goals. It is equally important to show how these goals are in line with the overarching business goals and the corporate mission.

Significant adverse effects and intangible resources

An integral part of CSRD reporting is the disclosure of the material adverse impacts that a company's business activities could have on the environment and society. Companies are obliged to assess not only the potential negative impacts, but also the measures taken to minimize these risks. At the same time, they must report on intangible resources that are not yet included in the balance sheet, but which could nevertheless have a significant impact on the company's sustainability performance and long-term value creation.

Sustainability area Management approaches Negative influence Intangible resources
Environment Eco-efficiency strategies, resource management Emissions, waste Environmental licenses and certificates
Social affairs Occupational safety programs, diversity initiatives Working conditions, human rights Social capital, employee competence
Governance Compliance guidelines, code of ethics Corruption, misuse of data Brand reputation, patents

CSRD sustainability reporting thus allows companies to better understand their Sustainability goals and to comprehensively document the associated challenges. This process provides an opportunity to establish sustainability as an integral part of corporate management and to communicate the company's own efforts towards sustainable development.

EU frameworks and international standards in CSRD reporting

In the context of the CSRD Compliance harmonization and embedding in existing systems play an important role. International standards play a central role. They are fundamental building blocks for effectively managing and standardizing cross-border sustainability practices and reporting. Compatibility with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) allows companies in the EU to measure and report their sustainability performance according to clearly defined criteria.

The CSRD enables companies to prepare their sustainability reports using up to 1144 standardized quantitative and qualitative data points. This enables comparability and reliability of the information, which is essential for stakeholder-oriented and sustainable reporting. The following table provides an overview of the core aspects of CSRD in an international context:

Aspect Meaning under CSRD Example
Environment Transparency about ecological impact Energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions
Social affairs Disclosure of corporate social responsibility practices Working conditions, social standards
Governance Compliance with ethical business practices Compliance structures, anti-corruption measures

The integration of CSRD requirements into existing international frameworks also makes it easier to effectively meet global challenges on the one hand and to provide investors and other stakeholders with a comprehensive basis for decision-making on the other. By taking the International standards the EU is making a targeted contribution to the global dialog on sustainability.

Ultimately, the consistent implementation of the CSRD requirements and the associated compliance with international standards represents a decisive step for companies to act as pioneers in terms of sustainability in global competition. Conformity with the ESRS is a decisive factor for transparent, credible and comparable sustainability reporting.

The practical implementation of the CSRD requirements

The adaptation to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) represents a decisive step for companies in Europe. The preparation for the CSRD reporting Deadlines require comprehensive planning and implementation of suitable structures in the company's reporting system. The involvement of the top management level, in particular the Management Board and Supervisory Boardis of great importance for the success and credibility of sustainability reporting.

Important milestones and CSRD reporting deadlines

The year 2025 marks the beginning of a new phase of sustainability reporting within the EU: companies that were previously subject to the Non-Financial Reporting Directive will be obliged to report in accordance with CSRD requirements from this date. It is imperative to address the upcoming requirements now in order to ensure that the CSRD Reporting Deadlines must be met. The following table illustrates the key deadlines and what they mean for different company sizes:

Year Companies affected
2025 Companies subject to the Non-Financial Reporting Directive
2026 Large companies that are not subject to the Non-Financial Reporting Directive
2027 Listed SMEs and certain financial institutions
2029 Companies from third countries with significant EU operations

The role of the Management Board and Supervisory Board in the reporting process

The CSRD emphasizes the responsibility of company management - both the Management Board and Supervisory Board - in the context of sustainability reporting. The Executive Board must determine the strategic direction of the Sustainability goals while the Supervisory Board is responsible for monitoring the reporting processes. The inclusive approach of the CSRD aims to firmly anchor sustainability in corporate management and increase the credibility of the reports.

External verification and digital labeling of sustainability reports

In order to ensure the quality and reliability of sustainability reports, external audits by independent third parties are mandatory for companies under the CSRD. In addition, the reports must be digitally labeled to enable easy verification and accessibility. These measures contribute to increased transparency and strengthen trust in the sustainable efforts of companies.

CSRD compliance: challenges and opportunities for companies

The introduction of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) presents companies with complex tasks. The planning and adaptation of internal processes as well as the handling and analysis of extensive data sets are central to this. The challenges range from the development of new CSRD reporting templates through to the use of specific CSRD reporting softwarewhich is intended to simplify the reporting process. Despite these challenges, there are also many opportunities for companies: the possibility of strengthening the trust of investors and other stakeholders through increased transparency, as well as potential for tapping into new markets and investor groups.

CSRD reporting software

Adaptation to new processes: Companies may need to revise existing processes to comply with the new CSRD guidelines. These updates may include the integration of sustainability dimensions into risk management and reporting systems.

Dealing with big data: CSRD requires detailed reporting that takes into account a wide range of data points. This gives data management a new relevance, as companies must ensure that they provide reliable and verifiable information.

Software solutions as support: The importance of CSRD reporting software is increasing, as it helps companies to record the required information correctly and present it in an appropriate form. Such Software solutions facilitate not only collect and process data, but also ensure a high degree of accuracy. They serve as an essential tool for companies that want to adapt to the CSRD standard.

Development of templates: By offering customized CSRD reporting templates companies can save time and reduce errors. These templates help to standardize the sustainability reporting process and thus create consistent and comparable reports.

  • Increasing transparency and credibility
  • Improved communication with stakeholders
  • Identification and communication about ongoing sustainability initiatives

The achievement of the CSRD compliance can therefore be seen as an important investment in the future of the company. Companies that focus on the new requirements at an early stage and integrate the corresponding tools and strategies can not only fulfill their regulatory mandate, but also play a leading role in terms of sustainability.

Digital tools and software solutions for CSRD reporting

In view of the complex requirements of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), digital tools and specialized CSRD reporting software a valuable support for companies. These software solutions facilitate the entire reporting process by providing effective templates and useful tools that enable precise and standard-compliant reporting.

Overview of helpful CSRD reporting software

There are a large number of tools on the market that are specifically designed to help companies with CSRD reporting support. This CSRD reporting software helps to standardize the process, ensure data security and prepare the complex information in a clear manner. The following programs have proven to be particularly helpful for a large number of companies:

  • Sustainable reporting platforms that incorporate guidelines and best practices
  • Data collection and analysis programs that enable accurate measurement of sustainability-related data
  • CSRD-compliant templates and editors that facilitate quick adaptation to the guidelines

Templates and tools to simplify the reporting process

In order to increase efficiency and reduce the effort involved in preparing sustainability reports in accordance with the CSRD, many companies rely on CSRD reporting templates. These templates serve as a framework for the reporting process and ensure that all relevant areas are covered. Below you will find a table showing the different categories of templates and their role in the reporting process:

Category Role in the reporting process User benefits
Structure templates Basic framework for the structure of the sustainability report Compliance with the CSRD structure, time saving
Data processing tools Automated collection and processing of data Accuracy, consistency of data
Graphic and diagram templates Visualization of data and correlations Comprehensible preparation of information

These practical tools not only enable companies to minimize the time required to prepare reports, but also to optimize the quality and conformity of sustainability reporting. With the help of CSRD reporting templates complete and precise documentation of the company's own commitment to sustainability.


The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is establishing itself as a robust instrument that is having a significant impact on companies in Europe. The extended CSRD Reporting Obligations are a clear sign that the days of pure profit maximization are a thing of the past and that the dovetailing of economic and ecological-social goals is coming to the fore. With the sustainable paradigm shift brought about by CSRD, a new understanding of corporate success is developing that goes beyond balance sheet figures to include values such as environmental protection and social justice.

The implementation of the CSRD requirements requires companies to consider and institutionalize sustainability not just as part of their reporting, but as an integral part of their business philosophy. This means thinking through future decisions and strategies from a sustainability perspective and thus making a contribution to a world worth living in. The resulting transparency and credibility can prove to be a decisive competitive advantage and have a lasting positive impact on the company's image.

In this sense, CSRD reporting represents a development opportunity for companies of all sizes and industries to make their own business resilient and future-proof. Timely adaptation to the new guidelines and proactive engagement are essential steps in meeting the requirements of CSRD and acting as pioneers of responsible business practices.


What is CSRD reporting and what are its objectives?

CSRD reporting refers to sustainability reporting by companies in accordance with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. The aim is to increase the transparency and comparability of information and to motivate companies to act more responsibly with regard to the environment and society.

Who has to carry out CSRD reporting?

The CSRD affects all companies listed on an EU-regulated market, non-capital market-oriented companies with more than 250 employees and companies with a balance sheet total of more than EUR 20 million or net sales of more than EUR 40 million.

What is meant by the "double materiality perspective"?

The double Materiality perspective requires companies to consider and report on the impact of their business activities on the environment and society as well as the influence of external factors on the company's economic performance.

What elements are necessary for compliant CSRD sustainability reporting?

Compliant reporting includes information on sustainability goals, management approaches, material adverse effects of the company's activities and intangible resources.

How does the CSRD require reporting?

Reports must comply with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards and contain a large number of quantitative and qualitative data points. In addition, digital labeling is required and the reports must be reviewed by an independent auditor.

What role do the Management Board and Supervisory Board play in the CSRD reporting process?

Management Board and Supervisory Board are responsible for the strategic direction of the sustainability agenda, the monitoring of sustainability targets and their integration into corporate management.

What challenges and opportunities does CSRD reporting present for companies?

The challenges include adapting internal processes and analyzing data. Opportunities arise from increased transparency, improved communication with stakeholders and the development of new markets.

Can digital tools and software solutions help with CSRD reporting?

Yes, digital tools and software solutions can use templates and instruments to standardize, simplify and make the reporting process more accurate in order to meet the requirements of the CSRD.

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