Red alert: Data privacy breach!

Red alert: Data privacy breach!

Dreaded by every company, but always topical: the data protection mishap. The great fear of a data protection breach often results from a lack of knowledge about how to deal with such a situation. Find out here what to do and how to...
Threatening letter under data protection law - What to do?

Threatening letter under data protection law - What to do?

Following the decision of the Munich Regional Court on compensation for pain and suffering due to non-material damage resulting from the use of Google Fonts on a website, an increasing number of threatening letters under data protection law can now be found. The authors send data protection...
Even higher fines? - New EDSA fine model

Even higher fines? - New EDSA fine model

Fines are incurred in the event of a breach of the GDPR. Due to the lack of uniform regulations, these have varied widely to date. With the new guideline 04/2022, the European Data Protection Committee (EDSA) presents a possible Europe-wide fine model. All...
DSGVO vs GoBD - All entrepreneurs criminal?

DSGVO vs GoBD - All entrepreneurs criminal?

The GoBD (principles for the proper keeping and storage of books, records and documents in electronic form), like the DSGVO, contains storage obligations. Which ones do companies have to adhere to now so that they do not incur fines or...
DSB buchen