Electronic health record as an opt-out?

Electronic health record as an opt-out?

The electronic patient record (ePA) has been available since January 1, 2021, but so far only as an opt-in solution (application solution). How an opt-out solution (objection solution) can be designed in the future is now being examined. What is the electronic...
New data protection law in Switzerland

New data protection law in Switzerland

In Switzerland, a new data protection law will come into force on September 1, 2023. This is primarily intended to adapt the data protection conditions in Switzerland to the GDPR. Find out everything you need to know about the legal innovations here. Why a...
Can a kindergarten use video surveillance?

Can a kindergarten use video surveillance?

The topic of video surveillance plays a recurring role in the context of data protection law. Based on the inquiry of a kindergarten in Thuringia to the corresponding data protection commissioner, whether an installation of cameras on the outdoor area for video surveillance...
But no e-prescription?

But no e-prescription?

In one of the test regions, the e-prescription has been stopped for the time being, before it has even really started. The reason for this is data protection concerns. E-prescription pilot project To test the e-prescription in Germany, a pilot project was launched in several...
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