IT security under the traffic light coalition

IT security under the traffic light coalition

On November 24, the SPD, the Greens and the FDP ("traffic light coalition") presented their coalition agreement. IT security is to be given a higher priority again in it. Instead of tightening surveillance of citizens, as has been the case in recent years,...
Data protection and employee survey

Data protection and employee survey

Employee surveys provide valuable information about the working atmosphere, the flow of processes, and possible improvements. But even with employee surveys, data protection must be maintained by the employer. Here you can find out what needs to be...
Data protection in the hospital

Data protection in the hospital

Of course, a visit to the hospital is not always pleasant. In addition to treatment, it is not uncommon for patients to receive many hospital data protection documents to sign. But which data protection regulations apply in the hospital...
Cyber attack on software for medical practices

Cyber attack on software for medical practices

Recently, the IT service provider Medatixx was the victim of a cyber attack. The company says it has a market share of more than 28 percent with its software products for medical practices, outpatient clinics and physician networks. The attackers gained access to the...
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