What you should consider as a patient
Here you can find out what you should bear in mind as a patient and how to behave correctly.
When you go to the doctor you trust, in the best case scenario, you are greeted at the registration desk with a form that you are asked to sign. "Another one of those pieces of paper, do I have to read through all that?" Yes, because not every consent form is understandable and clear. Read through the points carefully. Who needs your personal data, for what purpose and for how long. People like to generalize the purpose. However, it should be stated exactly what your data is needed for.
Discretion in the waiting room
One major issue is discretion in the waiting room. The confidential handling of personal data is particularly difficult in waiting rooms where the registration desk is located next to the waiting patients. If you are asked about your concerns, you are forced to answer. Especially if it's about picking up a prescription or finding an appointment. The person next to you already knows what medication I need or that I can only make appointments in the afternoon due to work. By Google and Co. one finds out fast for which purpose the medicine is used. If one knows the person perhaps from the own enterprise, one knows fast whether this would have normally late shift. This can lead to personal disadvantages. In the worst case, dismissal can be imminent.
Correct behavior
Of course, not every practice can afford an immediate makeover. However, the practice staff can ensure that patients still feel completely comfortable. Setting up a discretion zone at the reception, a notice to close the door behind them or a room divider are simple but helpful measures.