In a world in which global supply chains form the backbone of the industry, the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) plays a key role in creating fair and sustainable production conditions. The LkSGthat the Corporate responsibility for Human rights and Environmental protection in global supply chains is leading to a new era of corporate responsibility. Large companies in Germany have been required to design their supply chains sustainably and responsibly for over 3,000 employees since 2023 and from 2024 also for companies with over 1,000 employees.

With the introduction of the LkSG Germany is responding to the urgent need, sustainable supply chains and to improve both the rights and working conditions of people in these chains. This not only contributes to fairer globalization processes, but also highlights the responsibility of companies in the supply chain. Supply chain and enshrined in law.

Important findings

  • The LkSG strengthens the responsibility of large companies for Human rights and Environmental protection in global supply chains.
  • Mandatory since 2023 for companies with over 3000 employees, from 2024 also for companies with over 1000 employees
  • Focus on corporate responsibility and support for sustainable business practices.
  • Improving conditions for people in supply chains and for end consumers.
  • Specification of clear legal framework conditions for sustainable Supply Chain Management.
  • The objective of the LkSG is a fairer globalization with sustainable and fair production processes.

Introduction to the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)

The Introduction LkSG marks an important milestone in the responsibility of companies for their global supply chains. The law, which will become binding for companies with more than 3,000 employees from 2023 and for companies with more than 1,000 employees from 2024, places the prevention of human rights violations and environmental damage at the heart of corporate obligations. The Responsibility in supply chains is to be made more transparent and tangible.

The LkSG brings critical Duties of care which oblige companies to prevent and minimize risks in their supply chains. These include the assessment of potential hazards, the implementation of appropriate measures and their sustainable integration into existing operational processes. The law therefore provides detailed Legal framework for a fair and sustainable management on.

Companies are required to take a critical look at their entire value chain, including not only the first tier of suppliers but also indirect suppliers. The challenge is to develop a deeper understanding of the complexity of international supply chains and to use this knowledge effectively for the implementation of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria.

The specific requirements are not only aimed at large corporations, but also affect smaller companies that operate as part of global supply chains. This reflects the LkSG's holistic approach of promoting sustainable practices at all levels and in all areas and, last but not least, of providing the end customer with more Transparency and certainty about the origin of the products.

Implementing the provisions of the LkSG will require a high level of commitment from companies and closer cooperation with their international partners. But the benefits are far-reaching: a fair globalization strengthens the rights of individuals in supply chains, paves the way for more environmentally friendly production methods and at the same time creates a fair and secure framework for competition in the economy.

The core objectives of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) represents a significant development in the exercise of corporate responsibility and aims to implement the principles of Human rights and environmental protection in global supply chains. Companies are now called upon to meet the new requirements and shape their role in the global economic structure in a sustainable manner.

Strengthening human rights

The implementation of the LkSG requires companies to proactively consider and protect human rights aspects along their supply chains. Child laborforced labor and discrimination are just some of the key issues that economic actors must commit to combating.

Promotion of environmental protection

In the context of environmental protection, the LkSG requires companies to actively combat land grabbing and prevent environmental violations within their supply chains. The aim is to assume ecological responsibility through sustainable measures and guidelines and thus contribute to an improvement in the global environmental situation.

Corporate responsibility in global supply chains

Global supply chains require a high degree of Transparency and integrity. The Human rights responsibility and compliance with Duties of care play a key role in this. Companies are called upon to Declaration of principle and through the establishment of Complaints procedure to enable continuous improvement of working conditions.

We need a change to an economy and way of life that respects the natural limits of our planet. The LkSG is an important step in this direction.

Responsible corporate governance in accordance with the LkSG

As part of the Supply Chain Duty of Care Act, companies are faced with the task of adapting their processes to newly defined ethical and ecological standards. The guarantee of responsible Corporate management is a central component in meeting these challenges and sustainable management to promote. This section highlights the specific steps that companies must take under the LkSG in order to meet their obligations.

Risk identification and assessment in the supply chain

The ability to adequately Risk assessment is for the modern Corporate management essential. The LkSG requires companies to establish systematic processes to minimize potential risks of human rights violations and environmental damage throughout the company. Supply chain can be identified and evaluated. Such a Risk determination forms the basis for the development of effective risk minimization strategies.

Development of a policy statement

The creation of a Declaration of principle is another important step within the framework of the LkSG. This declaration must clearly define the company's commitment to human rights and environmental protection and communicate it both internally and externally. In this way, it ensures commitment and creates Transparency towards all stakeholders.

Preventive measures and their implementation

The focus of the LkSG is not on reacting to damage that has occurred, but on prevention. Companies are required to do this, Preventive measures that help to proactively prevent human rights violations and environmental damage. The consistent application of these measures and their documentation is crucial for strengthening the Supply chain and the prevention of crises.

The responsibility of both large and small companies is great, but the consistent implementation of the requirements of the LkSG contributes to a fair and sustainable economic system from which not only individual companies but society as a whole can benefit. By implementing risk management, publishing principles and introducing preventative measures, companies are laying the foundations for a responsible and sustainable future. Corporate management.

The Supply Chain Act and its international framework conditions

The LkSG International attaches great importance to compliance with globally recognized standards and thus sets the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights. Companies that serve the German market are required by the LkSG to ensure responsible corporate governance across national borders. This is reflected in a strict Standard of care which serves as a guideline for appropriate action in the value chain.

The international cooperation plays a crucial role in enforcing the LkSG standards. Only through a cross-border network that includes companies, governments and civil society organizations can the complex and multi-layered supply chains be effectively regulated. This holistic approach contributes to a consistent assumption of responsibility and helps to anchor sustainable business practices.

We need a worldwide network of cooperation to improve human rights conditions globally and make our global economic system more sustainable. - UN Guiding Principles for business and human rights

Aspect Significance in the LkSG Correspondence in the UN Guiding Principles
Human rights Compliance with human rights in all parts of the supply chain Directive on respect for human rights
Environmental standards Obligations to Environmental protection and sustainable resource management Sustainable use of resources and environmental protection
Duties of care Prevention and mitigation of risks Risk-conscious management and preventive measures
Transparency and reporting Regular publication of measures and progress Accountability and disclosure of corporate practices
  • Inclusion of UN Guiding Principles for a consistent global practice.
  • Concentration on Standard of care to prevent human rights violations.
  • Raising awareness of sustainable practices through international cooperation.

The interplay of these elements and a vibrant international community are the pillars for driving forward the effective implementation of the LkSG beyond Germany's borders. This will create a basis for fair trade and ethical business practices that will ultimately benefit all stakeholders involved - from workers to consumers.

Effective enforcement of social and environmental standards in production

The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act sends a strong signal for the Enforcement of standards in the area of human rights and environmental protection. Central concerns such as protection against Child laborthe warranty fair wages and the Environmental compliance are specifically addressed in order to achieve a sustainable transformation of supply chains.

Measures against child labor

The abolition of Child labor is at the forefront of the measures required by the LkSG. To achieve this, companies must introduce effective control mechanisms and audit procedures to ensure that no children are involved in the production processes. The Corporate responsibility extends from the extraction of raw materials to the end product - with the aim of Child labor can be completely ruled out.

Ensuring fair wages

Another important aspect is ensuring fair wages. Under the LkSG, companies are obliged to review and adjust their payment structures so that all employees along the supply chain are paid fairly. This not only promotes a fairer economy, but also contributes to improving the living conditions of workers.

Environmental compliance in the supply chain

Compliance with environmental regulations is an elementary component of the LkSG. Companies are required to design their processes in an environmentally friendly manner and to avoid environmental damage. Environmental compliance thus becomes a fundamental criterion for evaluating and adjusting supply chains in order to guarantee environmental sustainability.

Range Measures Expected effect
Child labor Introduction of Controls and audits Abolition of child labor in the supply chain
Fair wages Adaptation of payment structures Improving the living standards of employees
Environmental compliance Review and adaptation of environmental protection measures Sustainable and environmentally friendly production processes

These measures are crucial for building a sustainable economy and society in which fair working conditions and environmental protection are standards that are consistently practiced and promoted.

Consumer protection and transparency through the LkSG

The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) makes a significant contribution to the Consumer protectionby encouraging companies to do more Transparency in their production processes. This increased disclosure creates a stronger Consumer confidenceas consumers can now better understand the conditions under which products are manufactured. This creates a new level of information and awareness when shopping.

Gaining consumer confidence

The integrity of companies is largely determined by their willingness to be transparent. By regularly reporting on their measures in the area of supply chain responsibility, companies demonstrate their Commitment to ethical standards and thus gain credibility. The LkSG promotes the consumer's right to know that the products they buy have been produced without violating human rights or damaging the environment, which helps to strengthen the consumer's trust. Consumer confidence contributes.

Improvement of product information

A central pillar of consumer protection is the Provision of detailed product information. The LkSG gives consumers access to important background information about the origin and production of goods. From the extraction of raw materials to the final product - precise and honest information enables consumers to make informed purchasing decisions and thus actively contribute to a fairer economy.

Transparency in supply chains and consumer protection

In summary, the LkSG strengthens the Consumer protection and the Transparencyby providing clear and reliable Product information provides. This not only promotes the Consumer confidencebut also enables more conscious support for sustainable and fair production conditions.

Consequences for companies in the event of non-compliance with the LkSG

The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) formulates clear responsibilities and obligations for companies. But what happens if these requirements are not met? The Consequences LkSG should not be underestimated and the role of the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) as a monitoring body is of crucial importance here.

Supervision and control mechanisms of BAFA

The Monitoring compliance with the LkSG is in the hands of the BAFA. Equipped with extensive powers, this authority monitors the correct implementation of the company obligations imposed by the LkSG. This includes regular inspections and the possibility of auditing companies with regard to their Monitoring the supply chain.

Penalties and fines for violations

Should companies nevertheless violate their Duties of care the LkSG provides for noticeable Fines before. These can not only result in considerable financial burdens, but also cause lasting damage to the company's image and credibility. The Consequences LkSG are therefore a serious incentive to comply with the statutory obligations.

Violation Possible fines Consequences for the company
Non-compliance with due diligence obligations Up to 800,000 euros or 2% of global annual turnover Loss of reputation and competitive disadvantages
Violations of reporting obligations Up to 100,000 euros Lack of transparency towards consumers
Lack of risk analysis Up to 800,000 euros Risk of human rights violations in the supply chain

The role of the BAFA and the opportunity, Compulsory fines and penalties are an essential tool for ensuring compliance with the LkSG. Companies are therefore well advised to carefully review and adapt their internal processes in order to meet the legal requirements and act responsibly.

The importance of the LkSG for procurement and supply chain management

The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) brings about a significant change in the supply chain. Procurement and the Supply Chain Management of companies. The legal requirements for compliance with human rights and environmental standards in the Supply Chainresilient and Sustainable procurement channels increasingly important for companies in Germany.

The LkSG requires companies to carefully analyze and evaluate their supply chains in order to LkSG Compliance to ensure that the As a result, they must Procurement and the associated risks with regard to working conditions, human rights and environmental protection.

LkSG Compliance and sustainable supply chains

The implementation of LkSG-compliant structures requires a rethink in the selection of suppliers and cooperation along the value chain. The focus is on the development of Supply Chain Managementstrategies that build on long-term partnerships and mutual trust.

The implementation of the Supply Chain Duty of Care Act is an opportunity for every business sector to make a proactive contribution to protecting people and the environment and at the same time make its business model more crisis-proof.

The following table provides an example of the specific steps companies can take with regard to Procurement and Supply Chain Management to meet the LkSG requirements:

Step Measure Objective
Human rights review Evaluation of suppliers with regard to their human rights policy Transparency and ensuring respect for human rights
Ecological sustainability Integration of ecological criteria in supplier selection Reducing environmental damage and promoting sustainable practices
Development of grievance mechanisms Establishment of channels for concerns and criticism along the supply chain Promotion of continuous improvement and prevention of grievances
Regular reporting Transparent communication of internal corporate due diligence obligations Building trust with stakeholders and customers through a clear information policy
  • Strict adherence to LkSG Compliance along all procurement channels
  • Expansion of sustainable and resilient supply chain structures
  • Progress-oriented Supply Chain Managementwhich is regularly reviewed and improved

The integrative view of compliance, Procurement and Supply Chain Management ensures that companies not only comply with legal requirements, but also effectively fulfill their social and environmental responsibilities.

Implementation of the Supply Chain Act in existing corporate structures

The successful Implementation LkSG requires careful integration into corporate structures. This is a key task for companies in order to implement the requirements of the law in a legally compliant manner and at the same time strengthen the performance and integrity of the supply chain.

Establishment of a risk management system

A well-founded Risk management is the backbone of LkSG-compliant management. It not only ensures compliance with legal obligations, but also promotes a proactive corporate culture. The establishment of such a system makes it possible to identify and assess potential risks and take preventative measures to counteract them.

  1. Identification of sources of risk within the supply chain
  2. Regular performance of risk analyses
  3. Development of avoidance and mitigation strategies for identified risks
  4. Documentation and continuous Monitoring the risk management processes

Complaint channels and their effect

The establishment and maintenance of Complaints procedure is a further step towards ensuring effective implementation of the LkSG. Such channels serve as a bridge between stakeholders and the company and enable those affected to raise concerns or violations of human rights and environmental standards.

  • Transparent and easily accessible complaints channels for those affected
  • Careful handling and investigation of every incident
  • Initiation of corrective measures in response to justified complaints
  • Promoting continuous improvement of supply chain processes

Supply Chain Act: an opportunity for sustainable business

The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) presents companies with the challenge of adapting their business model in the sense of a sustainable management to transform the company. This includes a strategic realignment to resilient procurement and fair globalization which includes both ecological and social aspects.

Promotion of resilient procurement channels

Resilience in the Procurement means being resilient to crises and disruptions within the supply chain. The implementation of the LkSG requires companies to develop procurement channels that meet these requirements and offer continuous security of supply. This goes hand in hand with the need to integrate social responsibility and environmental aspects into the selection of and cooperation with suppliers.

Contribution to fair globalization

The LkSG offers a concrete basis for action for companies to actively participate in shaping a fair globalization to participate. Through strict compliance with Corporate duties of care they help to prevent human rights violations and promote fair working conditions worldwide. This results in fairer value creation, which ultimately contributes to the well-being of all.

The implementation of the LkSG can also be seen as an opportunity not only to make supply chains more resilient and fairer, but also to strengthen the brand image and gain the trust of consumers through transparent action. In this way, the Supply Chain Act becomes a decisive factor for sustainable and ethical entrepreneurship.


In conclusion, it can be said that the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) is a fundamental building block for the sustainable development global economic relations and for Human rights compliant business practices is. It obliges companies based in Germany to assume a new level of responsibility and thus significantly strengthens corporate ethics in the international arena. The LkSG Conclusion emphasizes the importance of creating a legal framework that places the protection of human rights and the environment at the heart of corporate activity.

The legal requirements aim to encourage companies to actively shape their supply chains and ensure their integrity in the long term. From the extraction of raw materials to the end consumer, all processes must be transparent and meet the high requirements of the LkSG. This confirms once again that sustainable development and Human rights compliant business practices are not only ethically significant, but can also represent a real competitive advantage.

In this respect, the LkSG is a milestone on the way to an economy that thrives in harmony with people and nature rather than at their expense. The requirements of the LkSG, which are enshrined on paper, have the potential to establish themselves as a vital part of corporate culture. Ultimately, the law is a clear appeal that responsible action in the global supply chain is not a luxury, but an unavoidable necessity for the future viability of companies.


What exactly is the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)?

The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) is a German law that obliges companies to review their global supply chains with regard to human rights and environmental standards and to organize them accordingly in a responsible manner. It aims to ensure fair and sustainable treatment of people and resources within global economic relations.

To which companies does the LkSG apply?

The LkSG has applied to companies with more than 3000 employees in Germany since January 1, 2023. From January 1, 2024, it will also apply to companies with more than 1000 employees.

What are the core objectives of the LkSG?

The core objectives of the LkSG are to strengthen the protection of human rights and promote environmental protection in corporate supply chains. This includes the fight against child and forced labor, the guarantee of fair working conditions and respect for environmental standards.

How should companies implement the requirements of the LkSG?

Companies need to introduce risk management systems, carry out regular risk analyses, establish a Declaration of principle on its human rights and environmental principles and take preventive and remedial action if violations are identified.

To what extent does the LkSG influence international cooperation between companies?

By complying with the LkSG International companies standards of care, based on the UN Guiding Principles for business and human rights. This promotes the international cooperation on the basis of common values and standards for the protection of human rights and the environment.

What happens in the event of non-compliance with the LkSG?

Non-compliant companies can expect sanctions from the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA), which include, among other things, coercive and Fines may include. Compliance with the law is closely monitored to ensure the credibility and effectiveness of the LkSG.

How does the LkSG affect consumer confidence?

Increased transparency and regular reporting by companies on their supply chains creates greater consumer confidence in products and brands. Consumers can be sure that the companies of their choice act responsibly with regard to working conditions and environmental aspects in their supply chains.

What role does the Supply Chain Act play in sustainable business?

The LkSG promotes sustainable managementby requiring companies to rethink their procurement channels and make them resilient and environmentally and socially responsible. This contributes to fair globalization and sustainable development and at the same time supports compliance with ethical standards.

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