In Bavaria, the number of Cyberattacks on E-mail accountsin which confidential communications are intercepted and financial transactions manipulated. One E-mail security guarantees the Prevention before Phishing and Cyberattacks. Possible causes are a lack of Safety awareness of employees, incorrect configurations or inadequate security measures, which have been further exacerbated by home office use.

The BayLDA - The Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision leads to Prevention carries out spot checks at companies and checks important technical and organizational security aspects using an audit form.

Key findings

  • Reinforced Cyberattacks on E-mail accounts require appropriate Protection
  • Lack of Safety awarenessincorrect configurations and working from home exacerbate the threat situation
  • The BayLDA inspects companies with the help of an audit questionnaire E-mail security
  • Technical and organizational measures are for Prevention essential
  • Regular sensitization of employees strengthens the Safety awareness

Training on phishing detection and security awareness

At a time when Cyberattacks on E-mail accounts it is of crucial importance that employees are regularly involved in Trainings to the Phishing-The aim is to train employees to recognize and strengthen security awareness. This Trainings impart knowledge about current threats and social engineering techniques used by attackers.

Regular sensitization of employees

Through regular Trainings employees are continuously trained in the latest Phishing-tactics. Using realistic examples of fake emails, they learn to recognize suspicious messages and react to them correctly. This sensitization is crucial for creating security awareness and taking preventive action against cyber attacks.

Presentation of social engineering techniques

A key aspect of the training courses is to raise awareness of social engineering techniques used by attackers. These include psychological manipulation tactics such as exploiting authority, stirring up fears or feigning false identities. Employees learn to see through these techniques and react appropriately.

Recommendations for action in suspected cases

The trainees receive clear Recommendations for action for dealing with potential Phishing-emails. This includes avoiding opening suspicious links or attachments, deactivating macros and the correct procedure for suspicious cases, such as reporting them to the relevant IT department. This knowledge enables employees to react quickly and appropriately in order to Damage to avert.

Preventive measures Reactive measures
  • Do not open links and attachments
  • Deactivate macros
  • Raising awareness through training
  • Report to IT department
  • Change password
  • Perform system analysis

By combining awareness-raising, teaching detection strategies and clear instructions for action, the training courses make a significant contribution to increasing employees' security awareness and preventing phishing attacks on E-mail-accounts effectively.

Authentication procedure and user administration

For registration on E-mail-The employees have access to Secure authentication procedures available. In the process strong passwords and Multi-level authentication are used. Additional authentication factors such as one-time codes are used for increased protection requirements.

The User administration for E-mail-accounts follows the Least privilege principle. Only the necessary users are granted access, and authorizations are kept to a minimum. Guidelines for User administration are available and are regularly checked and adjusted. Accounts that are no longer required, for example those of former employees, are deactivated.

Robust authentication and strict User administration are decisive for the Protection of e-mail accounts against unauthorized access and compromise.

Measure Description
Strong Passwords Complex, long Passwords with upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters
Multi-factor authentication Additional authentication factors such as one-time codes or similar
Least privilege principle Access and authorization restrictions according to the need-to-know principle
Directive conformity Regular review and adjustment of user management policies

This holistic approach of technical and organizational measures ensures that the E-mail security effectively increased in companies.

Administrative measures for configuration

The central administration of the E-mail inboxes is carried out by a specialized department in order to ensure a structured Administration to guarantee security. Predefined configuration profiles are used to control security-relevant settings in the email clients across the organization.

Structured management of e-mail inboxes

In order to prevent unwanted access or unintentional changes, the E-mail inboxes centrally managed by an expert administration unit. For example, the complete download of entire mailboxes is prevented in order to protect sensitive data.

Targeted protection of e-mail clients

The standardConfiguration of the e-mail software used is carefully checked and protected by suitable security profiles. Potentially risky functions such as forwarding rules or out-of-office assistants are subject to strict restrictions to prevent misuse.

Secure settings for remote access

Access to e-mail accounts via web interfaces or mobile devices such as smartphones is protected by suitable security measures. Aspects for secure mobile working in the home office, such as encrypted VPN access, are also taken into account in order to optimally secure confidential communication.

Measure Goal Area of application
Central mailbox management Control and access control All E-mail inboxes
Security profiles Save default settings E-mail clients
Restrictions Restrict risk functions Forwarding, out-of-office assistant
Access control Protect remote access Web interfaces, mobile devices

Checking data traffic and logging

In order to protect the email infrastructure from cyberattacks, a thorough inspection of data traffic and a comprehensive Logging essential. All incoming and outgoing activities are monitored at the Internet transition point in order to detect and ward off potential threats at an early stage.

Detection of compromised external servers

One of the main tasks is to identify calls from the internal network to known compromised servers. For this purpose, so-called Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) are used on the firewalls. These IoCs contain information such as IP addresses, URLs or hash values that indicate already known malware or attack vectors.

Blocking, logging and alerting

As soon as suspicious activity is detected, the data traffic is immediately blocked. At the same time, the incident is logged and an alarm is triggered to notify the relevant security teams. The IoC lists are updated regularly to ensure that they are always up to date and can also ward off new threats. This prevents the accidental opening of malicious websites from phishing emails or detects them at an early stage.

Regularly check the firewall configuration

In addition to the continuous monitoring of data traffic, it is also important to regularly check the FirewallConfiguration indispensable. This ensures that the firewalls are configured correctly and meet current security requirements. A logging and analysis concept for error messages, tamper protection and log file monitoring is also in place to ensure that any incidents can be fully traced.

Measure Description
IoC detection Identification of calls to compromised servers using Indicators of Compromise (IoCs).
Blocking Immediate blocking of suspicious data traffic when threats are detected.
Logging Complete recording of all incidents for later analysis and traceability.
Alerting Notification of security teams when threats are detected for a rapid response.
Firewall-Examination Regular review of the FirewallConfiguration and adaptation to current safety requirements.

E-mail security and BayLDA test forms

In order to E-mail security effectively and to meet the requirements of the BayLDA-To comply with the requirements of the audit questionnaire, a holistic approach is required. This takes into account both the IT components and their Basic configuration as well as aspects of the mobile working, Updates and Backup strategies.

Current IT inventory and basic configuration

A central element is the creation of a complete inventory of all the IT componentsincluding mobile devices such as notebooks for the home office. Based on this inventory, a Secure basic configuration of all systems and applications in accordance with proven security guidelines.

Aspects for secure mobile working

Particular attention is paid to aspects of the mobile workingin particular the secure connection of teleworking workstations. Suitable measures such as VPN access and access controls are implemented here to secure the exchange of data between the home office and the company network.

Regulated update process and backup concept

For all E-mail components there is a regulated Update process including version documentation. Important security updates are installed immediately in order to close known vulnerabilities promptly. In addition, a robust Backup concept for securing critical email data against loss or compromise.

Measure Description Responsible department
IT inventory Complete recording of all IT componentsincluding mobile devices ITAdministration
Basic configuration Secure configuration of systems and applications according to security guidelines IT Security
Mobile working Connection of teleworking workstations with VPN, access controls, etc. IT support
Update process Regular import of Updatesespecially security updates Patch management
Backup-Concept Backup and restore email data in an emergency Data backup

Prevention of cyberattacks on email accounts

Cybercriminals use email accounts as a gateway for cyberattacks on companies. By compromising individual email accounts, they can intercept confidential communications, manipulate financial transactions or launch further attacks on the victim's network and contacts. The Damagethat have already occurred amount to six-figure euro sums.

Frequent attack scenarios and damage

Cyberattacks on email accounts can occur in various forms and can lead to considerable damage. Damage lead. Here are some common scenarios:

  • Phishing attacks, in which cyber criminals attempt to obtain access data through fake emails
  • Interception of confidential communication and sensitive data from e-mail accounts
  • Manipulation of financial transactions by changing transfer details in emails
  • Spread of malware in the corporate network, starting from a compromised email account

Responsibility of the BayLDA

The Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision (BayLDA) monitored as Supervisory authority compliance with data protection law in Bavaria. In order to prevent cyber attacks on email accounts, the BayLDA carries out random checks at companies.

Significance of the BayLDA test sheet

As part of these tests, the BayLDA uses a special Test sheet to the Protection of e-mail accounts. This Test sheet covers important technical and organizational security measures and serves the Prevention of cyberattacks on email infrastructures.

Cyberattacks on e-mail accounts

Through the implementation of the Test sheet recommended measures, companies can significantly increase their email security and thus avoid potential damage.

Legal obligations and sanctions

The General Data Protection Regulation obligates companies to Supervisory authority such as the Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision (BayLDA) all necessary information and Access to personal data to be granted. A breach of this Duty to provide information represents a Administrative offense and can be associated with a sensitive Fine be punished.

In the event of non-compliance with these obligations, the BayLDA may issue formal instructions and Means of coercion such as the threat of fines. In addition, it reserves the right to carry out on-site inspections in individual cases.Controls and to request further documentation in order to verify compliance with data protection regulations.

  • Strict requirements due to the General Data Protection Regulation
  • Duty to provide information vis-à-vis supervisory authorities
  • Possible sanctions for violations:
    • Fine
    • Penalties
    • On-siteControls

Efficient solution approach for e-mail security

Sustainable security of a company's email infrastructure against cyber attacks requires a holistic approach. Process optimization. Such an approach combines organizational measures such as sensitization of employees (Awareness) and security guidelines with technical controls of the system components.

Organizational measures include regular training to raise employees' awareness of security risks such as phishing attacks. In addition, clear guidelines and processes for the secure handling of emails are defined and communicated.

At a technical level, various Controls indispensable. These include:

  • Patch management for the prompt closure of known security gaps
  • Continuous monitoring of the firewall configuration and data traffic
  • Comprehensive Logging safety-relevant events
  • Restrictive access restrictions to e-mail systems and data

Through Process-optimized security workflows and Continuous monitoring potential vulnerabilities can be identified and rectified at an early stage. A balanced combination of suitable prevention and response measures leads to a robust email security concept for companies.


In today's digital world, cyber attacks on E-mail accounts represent a growing threat to companies. Criminals use such accounts as a gateway to access confidential data, Cybersecurity and cause enormous damage. Therefore, an effective Securing the e-mail infrastructure and requires a holistic approach that combines organizational and technical measures.

A central aspect are Training to increase safety awareness of employees to recognize social engineering techniques such as phishing at an early stage. At the same time, robust Authentication procedure implemented and administrative Controls of the system configuration and data traffic. Regular audits, such as the audit form from the Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision (BayLDA), provide important information. Recommendations for actionin order to E-mail security and to counter cyber risks effectively.

By putting the right prevention and response measures in place, organizations can protect their digital assets from unauthorized access, reduce Summary of data protection and Cybersecurity and thus strengthen their resilience against threats from cyberspace.


What types of training are important to sensitize employees to phishing attacks?

It is important to regularly train employees on phishing attacks such as fake emails. Social engineering techniques and examples should be presented and detection techniques for detecting forgeries explained. Recommendations for preventive and reactive action, such as avoiding links/file openings and the correct procedure in suspected cases, are also essential.

Which authentication methods are recommended for secure access to e-mail accounts?

Strong passwords and multi-level authentication procedures such as two-factor authentication should be used for secure authentication on the email client. Additional factors such as one-time codes can be used for increased protection requirements. User accounts and authorizations should follow the principle of minimal rights distribution.

Which administrative measures are relevant for securing e-mail accounts?

Email mailboxes should be managed centrally by a specialist department. Secure configurations of email clients are important here, e.g. by preventing complete downloads of entire mailboxes. Security-relevant settings such as forwarding rules and out-of-office assistants should be restricted. Remote access to emails via web interfaces or smartphones must also be secured.

What measures are useful for checking data traffic?

Activities should be monitored at the Internet transition point in order to detect calls from the internal network to known compromised servers, e.g. via Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) on the firewall. This requires blocking, logging and alerting as well as regular updating of the IoC lists. The firewall configuration should also be checked regularly.

What aspects should be considered in the basic configuration of the IT systems?

There should be a complete inventory of all IT components used, including mobile devices such as notebooks from the home office. A secure basic configuration must be carried out for all systems and applications. Aspects for secure mobile working such as the connection of remote workstations must be taken into account. You also need a regulated update process including version documentation and a backup concept for securing e-mail data.

What role does the BayLDA play in preventing cyberattacks on email accounts?

As the supervisory authority, the BayLDA monitors compliance with data protection law and carries out random audits using the audit form for securing email accounts. This check sheet covers important technical and organizational security measures and serves to prevent potential cyberattacks on email infrastructures.

What legal obligations do companies have towards the BayLDA?

The General Data Protection Regulation obliges companies to provide the supervisory authority, such as the BayLDA, with all necessary information and to grant access to personal data. A breach of this obligation to provide information constitutes an administrative offense and can be punished with a fine. In the event of non-compliance, the BayLDA can also threaten formal instructions and fines as well as carry out on-site inspections.

How can an efficient solution for e-mail security be designed?

A holistic approach that combines organizational measures such as employee awareness and security guidelines with technical controls of the system components is crucial. The latter include aspects such as patch management, firewall monitoring, logging and access restrictions. Process-optimized security workflows and continuous monitoring allow potential vulnerabilities to be identified and rectified at an early stage.
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