The Health Data Utilization Act (GDNG) 2024 marks a milestone in the Digitalization of medicine. Since March 26, 2024, it has created a new, nationwide basis for handling health data. The GDNG enables the linking of cancer registry data with the Health Research Data Center and regulates in-house research in healthcare facilities.

One important aspect of the law is the introduction of research confidentiality subject to criminal prosecution. Prof. Dr. Alexander Roßnagel, the Hessian Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, sees the GDNG as a strong legislative package that protects the Research location Germany strengthens and at the same time Data protection in the healthcare sector taken into account.

Important findings

  • Entry into force of the GDNG on March 26, 2024
  • New uniform legal basis for the use of health data
  • Linking cancer registry data with research data center
  • Regulation of in-house research in healthcare facilities
  • Introduction of research secrecy subject to criminal prosecution
  • Positive assessment by data protection experts

Introduction of the Health Data Utilization Act (GDNG) 2024

The Health Data Utilization Act (GDNG) marks a milestone in the E-health legislation Germany. It was passed by the Bundestag on December 14, 2023 and confirmed by the Bundesrat on February 2, 2024.

Background and objectives of the GDNG

The GDNG aims to improve the Secondary use of health data and at the same time strengthen data protection. It is intended to drive research in the healthcare sector and promote digitalization.

Entry into force and significance for the healthcare sector

The entry into force of the GDNG opens up new possibilities for the use of electronic patient records. Healthcare facilities can now conduct research more efficiently and improve patient care.

Overview of the most important innovations

The GDNG brings the following key changes:

  • Linking cancer registry data with the research data center
  • Regulation of in-house research in healthcare facilities
  • Introduction of a research secret
Aspect Before GDNG According to GDNG
Data usage Restricted Extended
Research opportunities Limited Improved
Privacy General Specific

These innovations are intended to Research location Germany and strengthen the Digitization in the healthcare sector drive forward. The extended possibilities for Secondary use of health data promise that medical research and improve patient care.

New legal basis for the use of health data

The Health Data Utilization Act (GDNG) brings far-reaching changes for the handling of health data in Germany. It creates a standardized legal basis that facilitates research and protects the Citizen data protection strengthen.

A key innovation is the linking of cancer registry data with the Health Research Data Center. This enables more comprehensive analyses and promotes the Interoperability of medical systems. Researchers can now access a broader pool of data, which makes the Cancer research could make significant progress.

At the same time, the GDNG regulates the use of treatment data by healthcare facilities. These may now be used for quality assurance, research and statistics. The Telematics infrastructure plays an important role in this by ensuring secure data exchange.

Despite extended usage options, the focus remains on the protection of personal data. The law imposes strict requirements to protect the Citizen data protection to protect their privacy. Patients retain control over their data and can object to its use.

  • Uniform legal basis for the use of health data
  • Linking cancer registry data with research data center
  • Extended use of treatment data
  • Strengthening citizen data protection

The aim of these innovations is to Health research and at the same time protect the rights of patients. They represent an important step towards improving medical care in Germany.

Linking cancer registry data with the Health Research Data Center

The Health Data Utilization Act (GDNG) opens up new possibilities for the Cancer research in Germany. A central aspect is the linking of cancer registry data with the Health Research Data Center. This compound promises major advances in cancer research.

Advantages for cancer research

Combining the data enables more comprehensive analyses and deeper insights into the development and progression of cancer. Researchers now have access to a larger pool of data, which significantly increases the quality and informative value of their studies. This could lead to faster progress in the development of new therapies and preventive measures.

Data protection aspects of data linking

The Data protection in research plays a decisive role in this link. The GDNG lays down strict rules to protect the privacy of patients. The data is pseudonymized and only released for clearly defined research purposes. The Health Research Data Center acts as a central body that ensures the secure handling of sensitive information.

Despite the advantages for the Cancer research the balance between research interests and data protection remains a challenge. Experts are constantly discussing the optimal design of data linkage in order to achieve maximum benefit for research while at the same time protecting patients' rights.

In-house research and quality assurance in healthcare facilities

The Health Data Utilization Act (GDNG) opens up new opportunities for hospitals and other medical facilities. It allows the use of treatment data for the Quality assurance in the healthcare sector and the medical research. This new regulation strengthens in-house research and improves patient care.

Through the Data analysis in hospitals doctors and researchers can gain valuable insights. They identify potential for improvement and develop new treatment approaches. The GDNG sets out clear rules for the handling of sensitive health data. It guarantees the protection of patients' rights and at the same time promotes medical progress.

  • Use of treatment data for research purposes
  • Improvement of the Quality assurance in the healthcare sector
  • Promotion of in-house research in medical facilities
  • Data protection compliant Data analysis in hospitals

The new regulations enable healthcare facilities to use their own data more effectively. They can compile statistics and contribute to health reporting. These findings help to continuously improve medical care and develop new research approaches.

In-house research in healthcare facilities is key to improving patient care and driving medical progress.

The GDNG thus creates a balance between data protection and freedom of research. It strengthens the Research location Germany and promotes innovation in the healthcare sector.

Cross-border health research and lead data protection supervision

The Health Data Utilization Act (GDNG) brings significant changes for the transnational research in the healthcare sector. It enables centralized Data protection supervision for research projects involving several federal states. This innovation promises to Research processes considerably simplified.

Simplification of research processes

The introduction of a lead Data protection supervision facilitates the implementation of transnational research projects. Researchers no longer have to communicate with different supervisory authorities in several federal states. This saves time and resources and promotes efficiency in the Health research.

Role of the data protection supervisory authorities

The Data protection supervision plays a central role in the implementation of the GDNG. It monitors compliance with data protection regulations and approves the sharing of health data by publicly funded research institutions. This control ensures the protection of sensitive patient data while at the same time promoting research.

The GDNG thus strengthens Germany's position as a research location. It creates a framework that transnational research and at the same time ensures high data protection standards. This balance between research funding and data protection is crucial for progress in the healthcare sector.

Introduction of research confidentiality

The Health Data Utilization Act (GDNG) introduces an important concept: the Research secret. This innovation strengthens the Data protection in research considerably. Researchers can now no longer be forced to disclose confidential information obtained during their work.

The Research secret is protected by criminal law. It guarantees the Confidentiality of research data and promotes trust in scientific studies. Patients can be sure that their sensitive data remains protected.

Research secret

The introduction of research confidentiality fulfills a long-standing demand of the data protection supervisory authorities. It creates a solid basis for the protection of sensitive information in the Health research.

Aspect Before GDNG According to GDNG
Protection of research data Limited Comprehensive
Criminal law protection Not available Available
Trust in research Room for improvement Strengthened

The Research secret is a milestone for the Data protection in research. It enables scientists to carry out their work with greater certainty and creates trust among study participants.

Effects on data protection in the healthcare sector

The Health Data Utilization Act (GDNG) brings significant changes for data protection in the healthcare sector. It aims to improve the use of health data and at the same time protect the Patient data protection to strengthen.

Strengthening patient data protection

The GDNG sets new standards in Patient data protection. It defines clear rules for the use of health data and thus creates more transparency. Patients are given more control over their data and can better understand how it is used.

Challenges during implementation

The implementation of the GDNG brings Data protection challenges with it. Healthcare facilities must adapt their IT systems and introduce new processes. Harmonization with existing laws such as the GDPR in the healthcare sector requires careful planning and coordination.

Critical points from a data protection perspective

Experts are critical of the analysis of insurance data by health insurance companies. There are concerns that the protection of sensitive health information could be jeopardized. Data protectionists are calling for strict controls and clear limits on the use of data.

Aspect Before GDNG According to GDNG
Patient data protection Less transparent Stronger and clearer regulation
Data usage Restricted Extended for research purposes
Data protection supervision Decentralized Lead authority

The GDNG is fundamentally changing the data protection landscape in the healthcare sector. It offers opportunities for research, but also requires vigilant monitoring to ensure the protection of sensitive patient data.

Importance of the GDNG for Germany as a research location

Research location Germany

The Health Data Utilization Act (GDNG) brings about a significant change for Germany as a research location. It creates new opportunities for health research and drives the Digitization in the healthcare sector ahead.

The GDNG creates a standardized framework for the use of health data. This makes it easier for researchers to access valuable information and promotes innovative projects. This increases Germany's attractiveness for international research collaborations.

The Digitization in the healthcare sector is receiving a strong boost from the GDNG. Researchers can now work more efficiently and achieve results more quickly. This sustainably strengthens the innovative power of the German healthcare sector.

The GDNG is a milestone for German health research. It opens doors for groundbreaking discoveries and medical advances.

The effects of the GDNG on Germany as a research location can be summarized as follows:

Aspect Impact
Data usage Simplified access to health data for researchers
Research cooperations Increasing the attractiveness of international cooperation
Innovative strength Promoting new approaches in health research
Digitization Accelerating digital processes in the healthcare sector

The GDNG positions Germany as a leading location for health research. It creates ideal conditions for scientists and promotes medical progress for the benefit of patients.


The Health Data Utilization Act (GDNG) marks a milestone for German health research. It creates a balance between research needs and patient data protection. The new regulations enable broader access to health data, which makes the The future of health research could have a positive influence.

Despite some criticism, the GDNG is seen as an opportunity for Germany as a research location. It simplifies transnational studies and promotes in-house research in healthcare facilities. The introduction of research confidentiality strengthens trust in data protection and research.

The coming years will show how the Health Data Utilization Act proves itself in practice. It remains to be seen what concrete effects it will have on the quality of healthcare and progress in medical research. The balance between Data protection and research will continue to play a central role in this.


What is the Health Data Utilization Act (GDNG)?

The Health Data Use Act (GDNG) is a new federal law that came into force on March 26, 2024. It creates a uniform nationwide legal basis for the use of healthcare data, particularly for research purposes. The law is intended to promote digitalization in the healthcare sector and strengthen Germany as a research location.

What innovations does the GDNG bring?

The GDNG contains several important innovations, including the possibility of linking cancer registry data with the Health Research Data Center, the regulation of in-house research in healthcare facilities and the introduction of research confidentiality subject to criminal prosecution.

What impact does the GDNG have on data protection?

The GDNG aims to strike a balance between facilitating the use of data for research purposes and protecting patient data. It contains regulations to strengthen patient data protection, such as research confidentiality. At the same time, there are challenges in implementation and critical points from a data protection perspective.

How is the linking of cancer registry data with the research data center regulated?

The GDNG makes it possible to link cancer registry data with the Health Research Data Center in order to improve cancer research in Germany. However, data protection aspects must be carefully observed in order to protect the privacy of patients.

What is meant by "in-house research" in healthcare facilities?

The GDNG regulates the use of treatment data by healthcare facilities for the purposes of quality assurance, research, statistics and health reporting. This is referred to as "in-house research" and is intended to support the improvement of patient care and research.

How does the GDNG facilitate cross-border health research?

The GDNG opens up the possibility of lead data protection supervision for transnational health research projects. This is intended to simplify the implementation of research projects across national borders.

What is the research secret and what is its significance?

The GDNG introduces research secrecy subject to criminal prosecution. This is intended to ensure the protection of sensitive research data and strengthen trust in research. Researchers cannot be forced to disclose confidential information from their research work.
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