When developing apps and websites, compliance with the Data protection check websites apps BayLDA an important requirement. The Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision (BayLDA) has issued special guidelines for Data protection compliance in order to provide users with the highest level of Online data security to ensure the best possible service. A professional Security analysis is crucial for GDPR-compliant Privacy policy and the fulfillment of legal requirements.

The BayLDA emphasizes that apps require their own privacy policy, which goes beyond the mere scope of a website declaration. The reason for this is the special permissions that apps receive when they are installed. They can access functions such as the camera, contacts or location data. A Data Protection Officer should therefore be a comprehensive Risk assessment to pass data protection audits.

Key findings

  • The BayLDA has issued special guidelines for the data protection review of websites and apps.
  • A website privacy policy is not sufficient for apps, as they have access to numerous device functions.
  • Developers must disclose the scope and purpose of data collection in a separate app privacy policy.
  • A professional Security analysis helps to GDPR compliance and legal requirements.
  • The appointment of an external data protection officer is essential for a thorough Risk assessment advisable.


In today's digital world, the protection of personal data is of enormous importance, especially for websites and apps. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulates the processing of such data and ensures that companies and developers Privacy policy comply with. The Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision (BayLDA) monitors compliance with these legal requirements and offers guidance.

Importance of data protection for websites and apps

The GDPR applies to all forms of data processing, whether on websites or in apps. Anyone who collects and processes personal data must comply with the requirements of the GDPR and provide a transparent Privacy policy provide. Data protection is not an optional extra, but a legal obligation for all providers who Online data security must guarantee.

Role of the Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision (BayLDA)

The BayLDA is a supervisory authority that GDPR compliance and ensures that companies comply with the Data protection check websites apps properly. It provides guidance to support developers and providers in implementing data protection regulations and minimizing potential risks.

Differences between websites and apps in data protection

When developing apps, there are some important Privacy policy which differ from conventional websites. The main differences lie in the type of access to Device functions and dataThe user is informed about the privacy policy, the disclosure of required authorizations and the setting options for users to protect their privacy.

Access to device functions and data

Unlike websites, apps can often rely on native Functions and data of the mobile device such as camera, contacts or location. This option is not usually available on websites. For this reason, app providers must disclose the necessary authorizations and their specific purposes of use to users.

Authorizations and their disclosure

During the installation of an app, users receive queries about the required Authorizationsthat allow the provider access to certain functions and data on the device. These authorizations must be clearly named and their intended use transparently explained. A blanket statement is not sufficient, as users need to know what their data is specifically used for.

Settings options for users

With websites, users have more Setting options for privacy such as deleting cookies, which is often not possible with apps. For reasons of data economy and transparency, app providers should therefore give users as many control options as possible. Only absolutely necessary authorizations should be activated by default. One Data protection check by experts such as DataGuard can help to protect the privacy of users in the best possible way.

In summary, traditional privacy policies for websites do not cover the specific aspects of mobile apps. Developers need to know and consider the differences in order to create a Security analysis and a Risk assessment to be able to survive.

Data protection requirements for apps

As an app provider, you must inform users in detail about the collection and use of their personal data. This Duty to inform include information about the provider, including contact details, the type of data collected, the purposes of data collection, the storage period and possible data transfers. At the same time, the Privacy policy in such a way that user rights such as information, correction or deletion are explained.

A central requirement for apps is the concrete naming of accesses. You must list exactly which authorizations and device functions your app accesses and explain this with the respective purposes of use. A negative description of what is not done is not sufficient. The Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision (BayLDA) also recommends providing information about unused but possible access.

Information obligations for app providers

According to the legal requirements app providers must provide the following information:

  • Name and contact details of the provider
  • Types of personal data collected
  • Purposes of data collection and processing
  • Storage period of the data or criteria for the determination
  • Possible recipients or categories of recipients of the data
  • Information on the rights of data subjects such as information, correction, deletion

Concrete naming of accesses

The app privacy policy must specifically describe all authorizations and their purposes. The BayLDA cites the following example:

"We need access to your camera, but do not collect any data. Access is only used to read QR codes for product registration."

If data is actually used or transmitted, this would have to be disclosed accordingly. A mere list of authorizations without explanation is not Data protection compliance compliant.

A Data Protection Officer can help developers to implement the requirements and provide the necessary documentation and Risk assessment take over.

Privacy policy for apps

Mobile apps require a more thorough privacy policy than websites, as they often interfere more deeply with the device's functions and data. The Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision (BayLDA) has published guidelines that provide detailed information on the Online data security and GDPR compliance demand.

Content of an app privacy policy

A comprehensive app privacy policy must contain the following information:

  • Details of the provider with contact details
  • Creation date
  • Collected data types and authorizations
  • Legal requirements for purposes of use and storage duration
  • Details on data transfers and recipients
  • Information on user rights such as information, deletion and objection

Example description of an authorization

The BayLDA recommends specifically describing the use of authorizations. For example:

"We need access to your camera, but do not collect any data. Access is only used to read QR codes for our payment function."

If data is actually used or transferred, this would have to be disclosed transparently.

A privacy policy for Data protection check websites apps BayLDA must address the specific circumstances of apps. Only then can users make informed decisions about risks and protective measures.

Data protection check websites apps BayLDA

Several data protection authorities have published guidance and test catalogs for a thorough examination of the data protection compliance of websites and apps. These provide developers with valuable insights into data protection requirements and make it easier to prepare for possible Data protection checks.

Guidance from the Düsseldorfer Kreis

The Düsseldorfer Kreis is a coordinating body of the independent data protection supervisory authorities of the federal and state governments. Its Orientation aids contain recommendations for Data protection-compliant design of mobile apps and their examination. The documents cover aspects such as:

  • Authorization management
  • Behavior and usage analyses
  • Data transfer to third-party providers
  • Security measures

Test catalog of the BayLDA

The Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision (BayLDA) has also published a comprehensive Test catalog created. This contains checklists and handouts for Safety analyses of apps and their privacy policies. Particular attention is paid to the following points:

Aspect Explanation
Authorization management Transparent disclosure and legal basis for all requested authorizations
Data collection and use Comprehensible description of data flows and purposes in the privacy policy
Technical safety measures Appropriate encryption, anonymization and protection against unauthorized access

By following the Privacy policy the guidance provided can make the legally compliant development of apps much easier. An external Data protection check by experts such as DataGuard is also possible and helps to uncover potential weaknesses, but requires thorough documentation of the development processes.

Documentation of the app development

The Data protection check apps BayLDA requires complete documentation of the app development. This makes it possible to trace the data flows within the app and identify potential risks in relation to the Data protection compliance and GDPR compliance to recognize. Solid documentation is crucial for effective Risk assessment and compliance with the Privacy policy.

Traceability of data flows

The documentation must include all components used, such as SDKs, plugins and fonts. This is the only way to understand where data may be transmitted via third-party providers. This transparency is essential to ensure compliance with the Privacy policy and to ensure a solid basis for the Data protection check apps BayLDA to create.

Data transfer to third countries

The transfer of data to third countries outside the EU poses a particular challenge. Here, suitable guarantees such as the EU-US Privacy Shield must be met in order to ensure the GDPR compliance to guarantee the quality of the work. Comprehensive documentation is essential in this context in order to ensure the Data protection compliance and to identify potential risks at an early stage.

Cookie ruling and apps

The decision of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on active consent for cookies has far-reaching implications for the data protection review of websites and apps by the Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision (BayLDA). All cookies that are not absolutely necessary are now subject to user consent.

Consent requirement for non-essential cookies

According to ECJ case law, operators of websites and apps must obtain active consent from users for the use of cookies and other tracking technologies, unless these are absolutely necessary for the operation of the application. This means that Functions requiring approval such as built-in Google Analytics tracking or similar analysis tools may only be used with the express consent of the user.

Examples of functions requiring and exempt from approval

Some examples of functions requiring approval are

  • Tracking and analysis of user data (e.g. with Google Analytics)
  • Personalization of advertising based on user profiles
  • User-friendliness optimization through tracking of user behavior

However, the following functions can be used without explicit consent:

  • Self-hosted reach measurements without tracking individual users
  • Error logs for optimization and maintenance, provided that no personal data is used
  • Necessary session cookies for the operation of the application

Compliance with these Privacy policy and legal requirements is of great importance for app developers in order to Online data security and trustworthiness. A transparent information policy on data processing can serve as a competitive advantage.

Data security as a unique selling point

Many companies regard data protection as a chore. Yet Online data security represent a unique sales advantage for apps. Users appreciate it when providers handle their data transparently and Privacy policy consistently. Transparent processes that meet the standards of the GDPR compliance are positively conspicuous and create trust.

Transparency and building trust

Open communication on data use and data flows is the key to success. Customers expect clear information about how their personal data is used. A trusting relationship can only be built if companies do not keep this sensitive topic a secret.

User-friendly design of the privacy policy

The privacy policy should be user-friendly and easy to understand. This includes a clear table of contents, short summaries and a multi-level structure from general to detailed information. This allows users to grasp the points relevant to them at a glance. In addition Data protection officer be valuable contacts for open questions.

Transparency in the handling of user data is not only a duty, but can also develop into a real competitive advantage. Customers who Data protection check are perceived as trustworthy will be much more accepting of an app. Competent data protection creates the basis for a long-term and loyal customer relationship.

Risks and consequences

Non-compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) can have serious consequences for app developers and providers. One Data protection check apps BayLDA is therefore essential in order to avoid violations and to ensure the Data protection compliance ensure.

Fines for violations

The competent supervisory authorities can impose severe fines for violations of the GDPR. The amount depends on the severity of the breach and the company's turnover. One Security analysis and GDPR compliance are therefore essential in order to minimize financial risks.

Obligation to report data breaches

If a data breach occurs in an app in which users' personal data has been unlawfully transmitted or disclosed, there is an obligation to report this within 72 hours. Only through early Risk assessment and preparation, it is possible to react appropriately in an emergency.

Cooperative and transparent behavior towards the supervisory authorities can avert more serious consequences. Continuous engagement with the legal and technical requirements of data protection is the best way to avoid problems from the outset.

Assistance and support

Comprehensive Privacy statements for websites and apps can be a challenge for developers. Many details must be taken into account in order to comply with the legal requirements of the Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision (BayLDA). In such cases, it is advisable to consult external experts.

The company DataGuard offers certified experts and External data protection officer who can help you check the data protection of your websites and apps. These specialists will thoroughly check whether your applications meet the Privacy policy of the BayLDA and support you in the implementation of all necessary measures.

A professional data protection audit by experienced experts creates security and helps you to avoid potential risks and breaches.

By working with DataGuard, you can ensure that your websites and apps comply with the strict Data protection requirements and your users are informed in the best possible way about the collection and use of their data.

DataGuard services Advantages
Certified data protection experts Competent testing by experienced specialists
External data protection officer Compliance with legal obligations
Data protection check for websites and apps Legal certainty for your online offers
Advice and implementation support Efficient solution to data protection challenges

Invest in professional support and create trust with your users by offering the Data protection requirements of the BayLDA consistently.


Data protection is not an optional extra, but a Data protection compliance-must for app developers and providers. Anyone who knows the legal principles and technical requirements from the outset and Privacy policy consistently avoids many problems. This includes a complete Data protection check websites apps BayLDA-compliant and to document the results.

Apps that use the Data protection audit-standards gain the trust of users. A transparent, detailed range of information on data usage can even become a sales argument. It is therefore worth thinking about data protection from the outset and involving experts to avoid making mistakes.

Developers should not shy away from cases of doubt, but should seek external help to resolve them. Experienced service providers such as DataGuard can help with certified experts and testing procedures. Data protection check websites apps BayLDA lose weight. Playing it safe from the outset will save you a lot of trouble and costs in the end.


Why do apps need their own privacy policy?

In contrast to websites, apps can often access native functions such as the camera, contacts or location of the mobile device. App providers must therefore disclose the necessary authorizations and their specific purposes of use to users. A privacy policy for the website is not sufficient for this.

What must a privacy policy for apps contain?

A comprehensive privacy policy for apps should contain information on the provider, the types of data collected with authorizations, purposes of use, storage duration, data transfer and user rights. All authorizations and their purposes of use must be specified.

How can an authorization be described as an example?

The BayLDA recommends explaining authorizations precisely, e.g: "We need access to your camera, but do not collect any data. Access is only for reading QR codes."

What assistance is available for data protection compliance?

The Düsseldorfer Kreis and the BayLDA have published guidelines and test catalogs for data protection-compliant app development and audits. An external audit by experts such as DataGuard is also possible.

Why is it important to document the development?

Seamless documentation enables the traceability of data flows, such as the SDKs, plugins and fonts used. This makes it possible to identify where data is transmitted via third-party providers.

Do all cookies have to be subject to active consent?

No, according to the ECJ ruling, only non-essential cookies require the active consent of the user. Self-hosted reach measurements without tracking or error logs for optimization may be exempt from this.

What are the advantages of data protection for apps?

Transparency regarding the use of data and user-friendly privacy policies create trust among users. Data security can thus become a unique selling point and sales argument.

What are the risks of violations?

Supervisory authorities can impose fines for GDPR violations. There is also a 72-hour reporting obligation in the event of data breaches. Cooperative behavior towards authorities can avert more serious consequences.
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