In the digital era, companies are facing growing Cyber risks. Cyber insurance offer important protection here. They cover damage caused by cybercrime and provide support in dealing with IT security incidents. Whether data breaches, virus attacks or online fraud - the financial consequences can be enormous.

Experts estimate the annual damage caused by cyberattacks in Germany at over 200 billion euros. Cyber insurance is therefore becoming increasingly indispensable for many companies. It not only helps to limit damage, but also to restore systems and data.

The most important findings

  • Cyber insurance protect against the financial consequences of IT security incidents
  • They cover the costs of data recovery and system restoration
  • Cyber risks cause billions in damage in Germany every year
  • In addition to companies, private individuals can also take out cyber insurance
  • Insurance cover often also includes support for cyberbullying and damage to reputation

Introduction to cyber insurance

In the digital era, protection against Online crime increasingly important. Cyber insurance offer companies an important Hacking protection and play a central role in modern risk management.

Definition and purpose of cyber insurance

Cyber insurance is a specialized insurance product that protects companies against the financial consequences of cyber attacks. Cybercrime protect. They cover both personal injury and liability claims that may result from cyber attacks.

Development of the cyber insurance market

The market for cyber insurance is growing steadily. The increasing number and complexity of cyber attacks is driving demand for these insurance products. Companies are recognizing the need to protect themselves against the risks of the digital world.

Target groups for cyber insurance

Cyber insurance is aimed at a wide range of companies. From small craft businesses to international corporations - every company that uses digital technologies can benefit from cyber insurance. Small and medium-sized companies in particular, which often have limited IT resources, find cyber insurance a valuable form of protection against Online crime.

Types of cyber risks for companies

Today, companies face a multitude of digital threats. These Cyber risks can have serious consequences and require appropriate protective measures.

Ransomware attacks are among the most dangerous threats. Criminals encrypt company data and demand a ransom for its release. One Ransomware cover can offer financial protection here.

At the Identity theft sensitive access data is stolen. Cyber criminals often use phishing methods for this. They pretend to be legitimate senders and lure victims to fake websites.

Other common attack methods are:

  • DDoS attacks to overload servers
  • Drive-by downloads for infiltrating malware
  • Social engineering to manipulate employees

In order to protect themselves against these diverse digital threats, companies should IT Security and consider taking out cyber insurance. This can protect you from high financial losses in an emergency.

Scope of benefits of cyber insurance

Cyber insurance offers comprehensive protection for companies in the digital age. They cover various areas and provide support in dealing with cyber incidents.

Own damage cover

Own damage cover protects companies against direct financial losses caused by cyber attacks. It includes costs for the recovery of data, systems and protection against business interruption. IT Security is the focus here in order to minimize the impact of hacking attacks.

Cyber liability insurance

The cyberLiability insurance covers damage caused to third parties by cyber incidents. It covers the costs of legal disputes and possible claims for damages. Privacy plays a central role, especially with regard to the GDPR and possible fines.

Additional services and support

Cyber insurance often offers additional services:

  • IT forensics to clarify incidents
  • Crisis management and PR support
  • Training to improve the IT Security
  • 24/7 hotline for emergencies
Performance Own damage Liability
Data recovery
Business interruption
GDPR fines

The sums insured vary depending on the size of the company and the sector. A careful analysis of individual risks is crucial for optimal insurance cover in the following areas Hacking protection and data security.

Frequent cases of cyber damage and their effects

The Cybercrime is constantly evolving and presenting companies with new challenges. Some of the most common digital threats can have serious consequences.

Data loss due to stolen devices is a widespread problem. Laptops or smartphones with sensitive company data can easily fall into the wrong hands. This often leads to financial losses and reputational damage.

Cyber extortion using ransomware is on the rise. Criminals encrypt company data and demand a ransom. This can cause business interruptions and high costs.

Phishing attacks remain a major threat. Employees are deceived by fake emails and inadvertently disclose access data. This is how hackers gain access to sensitive systems.

Claim Possible effects
Data loss Financial losses, reputational damage
Ransomware Business interruptions, extortion costs
Phishing Data leaks, system compromise

Shadow devices pose a particular danger. These operate unnoticed in the company network and can be used as a gateway for Online crime serve. Regular security checks are therefore essential in order to uncover such hidden risks.

Requirements for taking out cyber insurance

Taking out cyber insurance requires certain criteria to be met. Insurance companies attach great importance to a solid foundation in terms of IT security and Privacy. This serves to minimize cyber risks and ensure effective protection.

Technical requirements

Companies must implement technical measures for cyber insurance. These include

  • Regular device inventory
  • Structured patch management
  • Use of mobile device management
  • Comprehensive anti-malware protection
  • Systematic backups
  • Robust firewall settings

Organizational measures

In addition to technology, organizational aspects play an important role. Companies should consider the following points:

  • Development of detailed contingency plans
  • Conducting regular employee training courses on IT security
  • Definition of clear responsibilities in the area of Privacy

Risk management system

A comprehensive risk management system often forms the basis for insurance cover. It includes the identification, assessment and management of cyber risks. Companies must demonstrate that they are working proactively to minimize potential risks.

Meeting these requirements not only makes it possible to take out cyber insurance, but also strengthens the company's overall IT security. This effectively reduces cyber risks and achieves a high level of protection.

Cyber insurance in the context of IT security

Cyber insurance plays an important role in the area of IT security, but is not a substitute for robust protective measures. They complement a company's existing security measures and provide financial protection in the event of a successful cyber attack.

An effective Hacking protection remains the foundation of any IT security strategy. Companies must continue to invest in preventive measures to protect themselves from Cybercrime to protect. These include:

  • Regular security updates
  • Employee training to recognize phishing attempts
  • Implementation of firewalls and antivirus software
  • Encryption of sensitive data

Cyber insurance only intervenes when these protective measures fail. They offer financial support in dealing with damage caused by hacker attacks, data leaks or other digital threats.

A holistic approach to IT security combines technical solutions, organizational measures and insurance cover. This triad ensures comprehensive data protection and minimizes the financial risks in the event of a cyber incident.

"Cyber insurance is like an airbag - it protects you in an emergency, but does not replace the need to drive carefully."

Companies should regularly review and adapt their IT security strategy. Cyber insurance serves as additional protection in order to be able to react quickly and limit damage in the event of an emergency.

Costs and sums insured for cyber insurance

The prices for cyber insurance are not standardized. They are based on various factors that reflect the individual risk of a company. In order to choose the right insurance, it is important to understand these influencing factors.

Insurance premium factors

Several aspects play a role in calculating the premium for cyber insurance:

  • Company size and turnover
  • Sector and type of data stored
  • IT security measures implemented
  • Previous claims

The better a company's IT security, the cheaper the insurance premium can be. Companies that invest in cyber risks often benefit from lower cyber insurance costs.

Sums insured according to company size

Choosing the right amount of cover is crucial for effective protection. Here is an overview of the recommended sums:

Company size Recommended sum insured
Small business 250.000 – 500.000 €
Medium-sized companies 1 - 5 million €
Large companies 5 - 50 million €

The choice of sum insured should always be adapted to the individual risks and potential damage. A professional risk analysis can help you find the optimum cover.

Comparison of cyber insurance with conventional insurance

Cyber insurance differs significantly from traditional insurance models. While a Liability insurance While cyber insurance covers general losses, cyber insurance offers specific protection against digital risks.

A Household contents insurance can offer protection for online banking, but does not cover all cyber risks. The Legal expenses insurance covers the costs of legal disputes on the Internet, but does not cover data loss or business interruptions due to cyber attacks.

Cyber insurance goes far beyond the protection provided by conventional policies:

  • Comprehensive protection against data loss and theft
  • Cover for business interruptions due to cyber attacks
  • Support for the recovery of IT systems
  • Crisis management and PR support in the event of reputational damage

In contrast to the private Liability insuranceWhile cyber insurance can only cover viruses that are passed on unintentionally, cyber insurance offers protection against targeted attacks and their consequences. They are specially tailored to the complex challenges of the digital world and are therefore a useful addition to companies' insurance cover.

Cyber insurance for small and medium-sized enterprises

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMES) are increasingly being targeted by cyber criminals. Many SMES underestimate the danger and believe they are too small for attacks. However, it is precisely their often patchy security measures that make them easy targets.

Cyber insurance can be taken out for SMES can be life-saving. It offers protection against financial losses caused by hacker attacks, data theft or system failures. Many insurers put together customized packages that are tailored precisely to the needs and risks of smaller companies.

In addition to financial protection, cyber insurance also supports SMEs in improving their IT security. They offer help with the introduction of protective measures and provide experts who can react quickly in the event of an emergency. This makes cyber insurance an important building block in the business strategy of SMEs.


What is cyber insurance and what is it for?

Cyber insurance covers losses caused by cybercrime and cyberattacks. They offer companies and, increasingly, private individuals protection against cyberbullying, damage to reputation, virus attacks, illegal online shopping and data loss. The insurance policies cover the costs of data recovery, IT restoration and crisis management.

What types of cyber risks does cyber insurance cover?

Common cyber risks include ransomware attacks in which data is encrypted and a ransom is demanded, DoS and DDoS attacks to overload servers, phishing attacks to steal access data as well as drive-by downloads, malvertising and social engineering to spread malware.

What is the difference between own damage cover and cyber liability insurance?

Own damage cover compensates for direct damage to your own company, while cyber liability insurance covers damage to third parties for which the company is liable. Cyber insurance policies often offer both in combination.

What requirements must companies meet for cyber insurance?

Insurance companies impose technical requirements such as patch management, mobile device management and anti-malware protection as well as organizational measures such as contingency plans and employee training. A comprehensive risk management system is often a prerequisite for insurance cover.

Does cyber insurance replace a company's IT security?

No, cyber insurance supplements IT security measures, but does not replace them. Companies must continue to invest in preventive measures and IT security. The insurance only intervenes if the existing protection fails.

How are the costs of cyber insurance calculated?

The premiums depend on the size of the company, industry, risk exposure and implemented security measures. Turnover and the type of data stored also influence the costs. Sums insured should be adapted to the potential damage.

Do conventional insurance policies not cover cyber risks?

In some cases, liability, household contents and legal expenses insurance already cover some cyber risks, e.g. forwarded viruses, online banking fraud or legal disputes on the internet. However, cyber insurance offers more specific and comprehensive protection against digital risks.

Is cyber insurance also relevant for small and medium-sized companies?

Yes, cyber insurance can be of existential importance for SMEs in particular, as they often do not have extensive IT security resources. The insurance companies offer customized solutions for the specific needs and risks of SMEs.
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