Pseudonymization or anonymization of the data

Pseudonymization or anonymization of the data

Pseudonymization or anonymization of data Protecting personal information is not easy. Thanks to the current technology, it is possible to quickly find out highly sensitive information of the data subjects. Therefore, thoughts and the implementation of anonymization...
Customer ratings and privacy, feedback and reviews

Customer ratings and privacy, feedback and reviews

Customer reviews and data protection The opinions of our customers and business partners are enormously important for our company. Good criticism as well as negative reviews allow us to move forward. We are pleased about a positive feedback, because it confirms our...
Is GPS monitoring of employees allowed?

Is GPS monitoring of employees allowed?

Is GPS monitoring of employees allowed? In this day and age, it is becoming easier and easier to locate people. It is easy to find out where the person is at any given time. Thanks to GPS in the company car or cell phone, it is a piece of cake...
Digital heritage and data legacy

Digital heritage and data legacy

Digital heritage and data legacy An Aboriginal proverb goes "We are all just visitors in this world and at this time...". One journey lasts longer, the other shorter. If we have to say goodbye to our world, we leave traces behind. Our...
The basic problem of data

The basic problem of data

Data subject rights in practice The data subject rights lead to various problems in practical implementation: The right to data portability: leads in software with relational databases to the problem that too much data is exported and imported....
What for and why a procedure directory?

What for and why a procedure directory?

What for and why a procedural directory It sounds complicated and what sounds complicated is first pushed aside. But this should rather not happen in this case. The procedure directory is an overview of the individual processing activities, i.e....
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